- Subjects (7287)
- Old Testament (574)
- The Old Testament: General (123)
- The Genesis through the Patriarchs (93)
- The Genesis through the Patriarchs: General (20)
- The Creation of the World (58)
- The Destruction of the World (10)
- The Repopulation of the World (5)
- The Patriarchs and Moses (84)
- Abraham and Isaac (22)
- The Story of Lot (4)
- Esau and Jacob (11)
- Joseph and his Brothers (27)
- The Story of Moses (20)
- Joshua and the Judges (12)
- Elon (1)
- Gideon (0)
- Joshua (2)
- Samson (9)
- Kings, Prophets and Sibyls (222)
- The Celebrated Women (23)
- Other Heroes, Heroins, and Villains (17)
- Jesus Christ (1302)
- Life of Christ (1134)
- Life of Christ: General (51)
- Infancy of Christ (191)
- Census in Bethlehem (2)
- No Room at the Inn (3)
- Nativity (4)
- Annunciation to the Shepherds (1)
- Adoration of the Shepherds (41)
- Adoration of the Magi (66)
- Circumcision (18)
- Presentation in the Temple (16)
- Flight to Egypt (30)
- Massacre of the Innocents (8)
- Sojourn in Egypt (2)
- Childhood of Christ (161)
- Return from Egypt (59)
- The Holy Family at Work (31)
- The Holy Family at Leisure (30)
- The Holy Family at the Table (6)
- The Holy Family in Contemplation (4)
- The Holy Family Struggling with Evil (2)
- The Slumber of Jesus (13)
- Jesus among the Doctors (16)
- Public Life of Christ (205)
- Passion of Christ (474)
- The Passion of Christ: General (36)
- Taking leave of His mother (1)
- Entry into Jerusalem (5)
- Purifications of the Temple (8)
- Passover (2)
- Maundy (11)
- Supper (26)
- Denial (1)
- Agony (16)
- Capture (25)
- Process (Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate) (38)
- Flagellation (48)
- Crowning and Mocking (21)
- Ostension (Ecce Homo) (22)
- March (The Via Crucis) (74)
- Execution (The Calvary) (62)
- Burial (Deposition, Lamentation, Entombment) (73)
- Descent (5)
- Glorification of Christ (52)
- Images of Christ (168)
- Christ as an Infant (12)
- Christ as a Child (51)
- Corazón de Jesús Niño (7)
- Niño de la Premonición (28)
- Niño Divino Piloto (4)
- Niño Resucitado (5)
- Niño Salvator Mundi (3)
- Niño Dormido (4)
- Christ as a Youth (5)
- Christ as a Man (100)
- Buen Pastor (6)
- Cristo Cautivo (2)
- Cristo de Gracia en la Villa de las Navas (1)
- Cristo de Ixmiquilpan (2)
- Cristo de la Encina (3)
- Cristo del Perdón (7)
- Cristo Resucitado (4)
- Cristo Rey (3)
- Cristo Sanador (1)
- Cristo Triunfante (1)
- Ecce Homo (12)
- Fons Vitae (6)
- Mystic Winepress (Lagar Místico) (10)
- Sagrado Corazón (10)
- Salvator Mundi (6)
- Santo Rostro (Verónica) (1)
- Señor de la Caña (5)
- Señor de la Paciencia (9)
- Señor de los Dolores (4)
- Vera Effigies (7)
- The Church (511)
- History of the Church (102)
- The Birth of the Church (Pentecost) (12)
- The Apostolic Age (The Acts of the Apostles) (26)
- The Age of Persecution (2)
- The Rise of the Religious Orders (62)
- Teachings of the Church (393)
- Commandments (21)
- Prayers (302)
- The Alabado (6)
- The Credo (13)
- The Elogia Mariana (104)
- The Litany of Loreto (146)
- The Pater Noster (17)
- The Rosary (4)
- The Salve Regina (12)
- Sacraments (70)
- Images of the Church (16)
- Virgin Mary (712)
- Genealogy of the Virgin (32)
- The Tree of Jesse (18)
- The Holy Kinship (La Divina Parentela) (4)
- The Holy Stems (7)
- The Mattertia (Santa Ana Triple) (3)
- Life of The Virgin (342)
- Life of The Virgin: General (75)
- Conception of the Virgin (3)
- Birth of the Virgin (7)
- Childhood of The Virgin (58)
- Wedding of the Virgin (11)
- Annunciation of the Virgin (34)
- Visitation of the Virgin (22)
- Maternity of The Virgin (12)
- Passion of The Virgin (34)
- Communion of the Virgin (7)
- Death (Dormition, Transit) of the Virgin (11)
- Assumption of the Virgin (41)
- Coronation of the Virgin (22)
- Burial of the Virgin (5)
- Advocations of the Virgin (240)
- Virgen de Aránzazu (2)
- Virgen de Atocha (3)
- Virgen de Begoña (1)
- Virgen de Chiquinquirá (9)
- Virgen de Guadalupe (Extremadura) (3)
- Virgen de Guadalupe (Tepeyac) (23)
- Virgen de Habiyú (1)
- Virgen de la Almudena (2)
- Virgen de la Antigua (2)
- Virgen de la Asunción (2)
- Virgen de la Asunción de Tzocuilac (4)
- Virgen de la Candelaria (1)
- Virgen de la Consolación (3)
- Virgen de la Cueva Santa (5)
- Virgen de la Divina Providencia (4)
- Virgen de la Estrella (1)
- Virgen de la Leche (2)
- Virgen de la Luz (10)
- Virgen de la Merced (13)
- Virgen de la Novena de la Parroquia de San Sebastián de Madrid (2)
- Virgen de la Peña (7)
- Virgen de la Pera (3)
- Virgen de la Piedad (María Santísima de la Piedad) (1)
- Virgen de la Pobreza (1)
- Virgen de La Salceda (1)
- Virgen de la Salud (I) (4)
- Virgen de la Salud (II) (1)
- Virgen de las Angustias (2)
- Virgen de la Silla (1)
- Virgen de la Soledad (3)
- Virgen de la Soterraña (Virgen de Nieva) (4)
- Virgen del Buen Consejo (1)
- Virgen del Camino (1)
- Virgen del Carmen (11)
- Virgen del Cetro (1)
- Virgen del Juncal (1)
- Virgen de Loreto (1)
- Virgen de los Dolores (La Dolorosa) (35)
- Virgen del Perdón (1)
- Virgen del Pilar (8)
- Virgen del Pino (1)
- Virgen del Pueblito (3)
- Virgen del Pueblo (Madonna del Popolo) (8)
- Virgen del Rebaño de las Almas (Divina Pastora) (20)
- Virgen del Rosario (3)
- Virgen del Rosario de Cádiz (1)
- Virgen del Rosario (La Galeona Gaditana) (3)
- Virgen del Sagrario de Toledo (4)
- Virgen del Socorro (1)
- Virgen de Monguí (1)
- Virgen de Ocotlán (3)
- Virgen de Passau (3)
- Virgen de Sopetrán (2)
- Virgen de Valvanera (4)
- Virgen de Wessobrunn (Mutter der schönen Liebe) (2)
- Virgen de los Desamparados de Lima (0)
- The Immaculate Conception (98)
- Holy Trinity (68)
- Christomorphic Trinity (20)
- Compassio Patris (Pietas Domini) (5)
- Crescentine Trinity (14)
- Eucharistic Trinity (2)
- Papal Trinity (1)
- Shield of Faith (Scutum Fidei) (1)
- Throne of Mercy (Throne of Grace) (4)
- Trifacial Trinity (11)
- Other Canonical Trinities (10)
- Angels (89)
- The Choirs of Angels (89)
- The Celestial Guard (0)
- Standard-Bearers (0)
- Halberdiers (0)
- Harquebusiers (0)
- Caliverers (0)
- Musketeers (0)
- Esquires (0)
- Trumpeters (0)
- Drummers (0)
- Saints (2434)
- Saints: General (7)
- Series of Apostles (246)
- Series of Doctors of the Church (63)
- Series of Evangelists (35)
- Series of Magi (Reyes Magos) (3)
- Individual Saints (2080)
- Agnes of Montepulciano (1)
- Albert of Bergamo (1)
- Albert of Jerusalem (2)
- Albert of Sicilia (1)
- Albert the Great (1)
- Alexis of Rome (1)
- Alfonso Rodríguez (1)
- Aloysius Gonzaga (11)
- Amata (1)
- Ambrose of Milan (2)
- Ambrose of Siena (1)
- Anastasius of Persia (2)
- Andrew Bobola (1)
- Andrew the Apostle (9)
- Anne (1)
- Anselm of Canterbury (1)
- Anthony the Abbot (20)
- Anthony della Chiesa (1)
- Anthony of Padua (38)
- Antiochus of Sulci (1)
- Anub (1)
- Apelles (1)
- Apollonia (1)
- Apollonius of Antinoë (2)
- Arnulf of Metz (1)
- Arsenius the Great (3)
- Augustine of Hippo (129)
- Auxentius of Bithynia (1)
- Barbara (17)
- Barnabas the Apostle (2)
- Bartholomew the Apostle (22)
- Basilius (1)
- Benedict of Nursia (2)
- Benedict V (1)
- Benvenuta Bojani (2)
- Bernard of Clairvoux (3)
- Blaise of Sebastea (2)
- Bruno of Cologne (4)
- Cajetan of Thiene (4)
- Camillus de Lelis (7)
- Catherine of Alexandria (15)
- Catherine of Racconigi (2)
- Catherine of Ricci (3)
- Catherine of Siena (54)
- Cecilia (3)
- Ceslaus of Poland (2)
- Chariton of Palestine (3)
- Christina (1)
- Christopher (16)
- Claire of Assisi (17)
- Colette (or Nicolette) of Corbie (2)
- Columba of Rieti (2)
- Cometa and Nicosa (1)
- Copres (1)
- Cosmas and Damian (2)
- Cyriacus (1)
- Cyril of Constantinople (1)
- Dagobert of Bordeaux (1)
- Denis of Paris (1)
- Didacus of Alcalá (Diego de Alcalá) (1)
- Dionysius the Areopagite (1)
- Disibod (2)
- Dominic of Guzmán (20)
- Dominic of Silos (1)
- Dorothy of Caesarea (1)
- Duns Scotus (4)
- Dymphna (1)
- Elias (or Elijah) the Prophet (23)
- Eligius (Eloy) (2)
- Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist (2)
- Emygdius (3)
- Epiphanius (1)
- Erena (1)
- Ermelinde of Meldert (1)
- Ethbinus (1)
- Eulogius (2)
- Euphraxia of Rome (2)
- Euphraxio (1)
- Euphrosyna (2)
- Eurosia (1)
- Euthymius (1)
- Ferdinand King of Castile (11)
- Fermin (1)
- Florian of Lorch (1)
- Francis Borgia (7)
- Francisco del Castillo (2)
- Francis Jerome (1)
- Francis of Assisi (48)
- Francis of Paula (12)
- Francis of Sales (2)
- Francis Posadas (1)
- Francis Solanus (8)
- Francis Xavier (54)
- Friardus (1)
- Fulgentius of Ruspe (2)
- Gertrudis the Great (7)
- Giles of Portugal (1)
- Gonzalo de Amarante (1)
- Gregory the Great (20)
- Guthlac of Crowland (2)
- Helenus (2)
- Helias (2)
- Henry of Cocket (1)
- Hierosolymitana (1)
- Hilarion (2)
- Hippolytus of Rome (2)
- Hubert of Liege (4)
- Hyacinth of Poland (2)
- Ignatius Azevedo (1)
- Ignatius Bishop of Antioch (1)
- Ignatius of Loyola (176)
- Ildephonsus of Toledo (1)
- Isidore of Seville (2)
- Isidore the Farmer (6)
- Ivan (1)
- Jacob the Hermit (2)
- James Ghizai (1)
- James the Less (4)
- James of Venice (Diego de Venecia) (1)
- Jerome (46)
- Joachim (2)
- Joan of Aza (1)
- Joan of Orvieto (2)
- Jodocus (1)
- John Berchmans (1)
- John Francis Regis (4)
- John Goto (1)
- John Liccio (1)
- John Nepomucene (46)
- John of Cologne (1)
- John of God (46)
- John of Matha (1)
- John of Sahagún (1)
- John of the Cross (17)
- John the Almsgiver (John the Merciful) (1)
- John the Baptist (81)
- John the Evangelist (John of Patmos) (17)
- John the Hermit (3)
- Jordan of Battberg (1)
- Josaphat (2)
- Joseph of Nazareth (51)
- Juana de la Cruz (1)
- Jude Thaddaeus (5)
- Justus and Pastor (1)
- Landelinus (1)
- Lawrence (13)
- Liphardus (2)
- Louis King of France (2)
- Lucia (3)
- Lucy of Narni (Lucy Brocadelli) (1)
- Luis Beltrán (4)
- Luke the Evangelist (8)
- Macarius of Alexandria (1)
- Magdalen Pannatieri of Trino (2)
- Magdalen of Pazzi (8)
- Malchus (1)
- Marcello Mastrilli (1)
- Margaret of Antioch (1)
- Margaret of Castello (2)
- Margaret of Savoy (2)
- María de Jesús de Ágreda (2)
- María de la Cabeza (María Toribia) (1)
- Mariana de Jesús (3)
- Marinus (1)
- Mark the Evangelist (5)
- Martín de Porres (2)
- Martin of Tours (9)
- Martinianus (1)
- Martius of Auvergne (1)
- Mary Bartholomea Bagnesi (1)
- Mary of Oignies (1)
- Mary the Egyptian (10)
- Mary the Magdalen (28)
- Matthias the Apostle (4)
- Matthew the Evangelist (9)
- Meinrad of Einsiedeln (1)
- Monacha (1)
- Monica (2)
- Mucius (1)
- Narcissus of Girona (1)
- Nephalia of Knossos (1)
- Nicholas of Bari (or of Myra) (13)
- Nicholas of Tolentine (5)
- Nicolás de Ayllón (2)
- Norbert (1)
- Odile of Alsace (or of Bavaria) (1)
- Onuphrius (16)
- Osanna of Mantua (1)
- Pachomius (3)
- Palemon (2)
- Paphnutius of Thebes (1)
- Paternus (1)
- Paul Miki (1)
- Paul the Apostle (13)
- Paul the Hermit (13)
- Pedro de San José de Bethancourt (or Betancur) (1)
- Pedro Urraca (1)
- Pelagia Margarita Antiochena (1)
- Pelagia Mima Antiochena (2)
- Peter Arbués (1)
- Peter Nolasco (12)
- Peter of Alcántara (6)
- Peter of Tiferno (1)
- Peter of Verona (3)
- Peter Regalado (4)
- Peter the Apostle (17)
- Peter Thomas (2)
- Petronilla Virgin (1)
- Philip Neri (68)
- Philip of Jesus (3)
- Philip the Apostle (4)
- Piamon (1)
- Pius V (1)
- Rita of Cascia (12)
- Roch of Montpelier (11)
- Romuald (1)
- Rosalie of Palermo (3)
- Rose of Lima (116)
- Salvador de Horta (1)
- Santiago el Mayor (James the Greater) (21)
- Sebastian (35)
- Sebastián de Monroy (1)
- Serapion of Algiers (3)
- Serapion of Antioch (1)
- Simeon of Trier (2)
- Simon Ballacchi (1)
- Simón de Rojas (1)
- Simon Stock (1)
- Simon the Apostle (6)
- Sophronia of Tarent (4)
- Spyridion (1)
- Stanislas Kostka (10)
- Stephanie of Quinzanis (1)
- Stephen (4)
- Suatacopius (2)
- Susanna of Rome (1)
- Sylvia Rufina (1)
- Telesphorus (1)
- Teresa of Ávila (182)
- Thais (2)
- Theobald (2)
- Theoctistus (1)
- Theodora of Alexandria (1)
- Theodore of Amasea (1)
- Theonas (2)
- Thomas Aquinas (38)
- Thomas the Apostle (3)
- Thomas Villanova (1)
- Toribio de Mogrovejo (5)
- Urbitius of Bordeaux (1)
- Ursula (8)
- Venerius of Tino (2)
- Villana de Bottis (2)
- Veronica (1)
- Vincent Ferrer (5)
- Vincent of Zaragoza (1)
- Wendelinus (3)
- William of Acquitaine (3)
- Zoerarde (3)
- Eschatology (210)
- The Last Four Things (Postrimerías or Novísimos) (121)
- The Last Four Things: General (10)
- Death (Vanitas) (33)
- Judgement / Purgatory (9)
- Heaven (8)
- Hell (61)
- The Apocalypse (50)
- The Last Judgement (39)
- Pious Allegories (73)
- Laws (5)
- Lives (1)
- Loves (3)
- Sorrows (3)
- Vices (25)
- Virtues (28)
- Salvation (8)
- Pious Emblems (379)
- Affectos Divinos (Salas/Hugo) (48)
- Amoris Divini et Humani Antipathia (2)
- Cor Jesu Amanti Sacrum (25)
- Diferencia Entre Lo Temporal y Eterno (Nieremberg/Serrano) (19)
- Emblems of Divine Love (Vaenius) (4)
- Empresas Espirituales y Morales (Villava) (56)
- Espejo de la Juventud (Bravo de la Serna) (4)
- Flammulae Amoris (Hoyer) (6)
- Idea del Buen Pastor (Núñez de Cepeda) (1)
- Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesu (Bolland et al.) (42)
- Pia Desideria (Hugo) (Antwerp 1624 Edition) (33)
- Pia Desideria (Hugo) (Paris 1670 Edition) (37)
- Schola Cordis (van Haeften) (46)
- States of Man (Huby) (9)
- States of the Soul (Huby) (11)
- Typus Occasionis (David) (1)
- Veridicus Christianus (David) (13)
- Via Vitae Aeternae (Sucquet) (21)
- Other Pious Emblems (1)
- Arma Christi (5)
- Profane Subjects (714)
- Allegory (168)
- Nature (132)
- Ages (3)
- Continents (25)
- Elements (11)
- Hours (3)
- Months (12)
- Planets (31)
- Seasons (10)
- Senses (18)
- Stars (see also Months) (14)
- Temperaments (3)
- Winds (2)
- Culture (36)
- Emblems, Arms, Devices (103)
- Emblems (72)
- Devises heroiques et emblemes (Claude Paradin) (1)
- Emblemata (Andrea Alciati) (8)
- Emblemata Regio-Politica (Juan de Solórzano y Pereira) (2)
- Horatian Emblems (Otto van Veen) (14)
- Theatro Moral de la Vida Humana (Otto van Veen) (47)
- Arms and Devices (31)
- Genre (23)
- Humor (1)
- Performative Humor (1)
- Verbal Humor (0)
- Visual Humor (0)
- History (107)
- Ancient History (33)
- The Celebrated Women of Antiquity (5)
- The Feats of the Roman Emperors (4)
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (6)
- The Triumphs of Alexander the Great (12)
- Other Subjects of Ancient History (6)
- Modern History (74)
- Landscapes (13)
- Mythology (111)
- Gods and Godesses (19)
- Heroes and Heroines (92)
- Natural History (16)
- Nudes (2)
- Portraiture (150)
- Bishops (14)
- Conquistadores (2)
- Dukes and Duchesses (1)
- Emperors and Empresses (7)
- Incas and Coyas (53)
- Kings and Queens (25)
- Philosophers (13)
- Popes (4)
- Superiors (19)
- Viceroys and Governors (5)
- Writers (2)
- Others (5)
- Still Life (0)
- Flowers (0)
- Fruits (0)
- Fish and Game (0)
- Topography (20)
- Views (Vedute) (13)
- Maps (Chartography) (7)
- City Maps (7)
- Territory Maps (0)
- World Maps (0)
- Architecture (61)
- Altars (Altares) (1)
- Altarpieces (Retablos) (5)
- Ceilings (Cielos) (9)
- Flat (Rasos) (3)
- Vaults (Bóvedas) (6)
- Domes (Cúpulas) (0)
- Façades (Fachadas) (1)
- Floor Plans (Plantas) (2)
- Fountains (1)
- Friezes (Frisos) (7)
- Portals (Portadas) (21)
- Stairways (Escalinatas) (1)
- Supports (Soportes) (10)
- Towers (Torres) (0)
- Belfries (Campanarios) (0)
- Espadañas (0)
- Others (0)
- Tympani (1)
- Windows (2)
- Design (67)
- Goldsmithing (11)
- Graphics (56)
- Ornamentation (41)
- Arabesque (0)
- Auricular (1)
- Botanical (5)
- Chinoiserie (0)
- Grotesque (21)
- Reticular (Lattices) (10)
- Rocaille (0)
- Scrollwork (Roleo) (0)
- Strapwork (Rollwork, Bandwork, Cueros Recortados) (2)
- Trophies (2)
- Inscriptions (47)