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View all issues of Novedades de PESSCA
- 03 / 2025: Novedades de PESSCA 108 is out.
- 03 / 2025: Participation in a roind table on digital humanities for the studi of Colonial Art organized by the Instituto Wiñay.
- 02 / 2025: Photographic expedition returns with 1300 photographs of Novohispanic art, much of it illustrated manuscripts, academic drawings, and print albums.
- 02 / 2025: Two-week research visit to the Antigua Academia de San Carlos, Mexico City, is completed.
- 02 / 2025: Research visit at the Museo Histórico Regional de Celaya. México.
- 02 / 2025: Research at the Biblioteca Nacional, Museo Nacional de Historia, Museo Nacional de Arte and Biblioteca Nacional de Antropología e Historia (CDMX).
- 02 / 2025: Scheduled lecture given at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas.
- 02 / 2025: Scheduled lecture given at the Biblioteca Nacional de México.
- 02 / 2025: Invitation to give two lectures at the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Design, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil).
- 01 / 2025: Lecture at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas is now part of the Cátedra Extraordinaria Juana Gutiérrez Haces de Arte Virreinal Iberoamericano.
- 01 / 2025: The Corpus Klauberianum now contains 2700 Klauber prints, illustrated and organized in 106 series.
- 01 / 2025: Public conversation about PESSCA to take place in Madrid, Spain (December 4, 2025).
- 01 / 2025: Invitation to present at the Klementinum, Prague, Czech Republic (December 9, 2025).
- 12 / 2024: Novedades de PESSCA 107 is published.
- 11 / 2024: Invitation to present at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas – UNAM, Ciudad de México in February 2025.
- 11 / 2024: Correspondence 6800 is out.
- 10 / 2024: Photographic Expedition to Lima returns.
- 10 / 2024: Invitation to present at the Biblioteca Nacional de México in February 22025.
- 10 / 2024: Invitation to carry out research at the Prints and Drawings collection at the Academia de San Carlos, Ciudad de México in February 2025.
- 10 / 2024: Invitation to curate the exhibit El libro de Fermín: Un álbum de modelos de un pintor limeño del siglo XVIII (Museo del Grabado, Lima, Perú).
- 10 / 2024: Invitation to prepare a critical edition of the aforementioned album as the catalog of the exhibit.
- 10 / 2024: Publication of "Invención e inventiva en la escultura colonial hispano-portuguesa".
- 10 / 2024: Publication of "Las fuentes grabadas de los lienzos de la sacristía de la casa de ejercicios espirituales para señoras ilustres de Lima (1752)".
- 10 / 2024: Photographic expedition returns from Lima.
- 10 / 2024: Presentation at the XIX Jornadas de Misiones Jesuitas (Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, Perú).
- 09 / 2024: Photographic expedition returns from Santiago de Chile.
- 08 / 2024: Visit to the Gandarillas Collection of Spanish Colonial Art in Santiago de Chile.
- 08 / 2024: Talk given at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 07 / 2024: Novedades de PESSCA 106 is out.
- 07 / 2024: Invitation to present at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 04 / 2024: Invitation to present the book "La Catedral de Juli: Joya Barroca en la Pequeña Roma de América" (Lima, Perú).
- 04 / 2024: Paper accepted at the XIX Jornadas Internacionales sobre las Misiones Jesuiticas (Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, October 15-18, 2024).
- 04 / 2024: PESSCA Presentation at the Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
- 04 / 2024: Novedades de PESSCA 105 is published.
- 03 / 2024: Correspondence 6700 is up.
- 03 / 2024: Invitation to publish research on the engraved sources of a score of paintings by Leonardo Flores.
- 02 / 2024: Brief research visit at the Gabinete de Estampas y Dibujos, Museo del Prado (Madrid, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: PESSCA presentation at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: PESSCA presentation at the Universidad de Málaga (Málaga, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: PESSCA presentation at the Universidad de Sevilla (Seville, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: PESSCA presentation at the CEIBA VI conference (Granada, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: Brief research on Klauber prints conducted at the Sala Goya of the Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid, Spain).
- 02 / 2024: Over the past 30 days, 2100 users (individuals) visited the PESSCA website. Collectively, they participated in 3000 sessions (single visits), 32000 events (including 10000 pageviews), and clocked 181 hours. Users visited from the United States (28%), Spain (12%), Perú (9%), México (8%), and 84 other countries.
- 02 / 2024: Cast of PESSCA Engravers: Chronological Presentation is published.
- 01 / 2024: Cast of PESSCA Engravers: Alphabetical Presentation is published.
- 01 / 2024: Scheduled research at the Latin American Library, Tulane University (New Orleans, Luisiana, USA).
- 12 / 2023: Opportunity to carry out research at the Biblioteca Nacional de España in early 2024.
- 12 / 2023: Invitation to present at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in early 2024.
- 12 / 2023: Invitation to present at the Universidad de Sevilla in early 2024.
- 12 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 104 is published.
- 12 / 2023: Convention on PESSCA Identifiers (PIs) is launched.
- 12 / 2023: Invitation to present at the Universidad de Sevilla in early 2024.
- 11 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 103 is out.
- 11 / 2023: Correspondence 6600 is up.
- 11 / 2023: Photographic expedition to Peru and Bolivia returns with more than 4900 photos of Colonial Art.
- 11 / 2023: Talk given at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (Lima, Perú).
- 11 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 102 is published.
- 10 / 2023: PESSCA research is mentioned in a video produced by the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, United Kingdom).
- 10 / 2023: PESSCA research featured on interview by Ojo Público (Lima, Perú).
- 10 / 2023: Photographic expedition to Bolivia returns with 1400+ photos of Colonial Art from Sucre, Potosí, and La Paz.
- 10 / 2023: Results of PESSCA research are presented at the XI Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (Sucre, Bolivia).
- 10 / 2023: PESSCA participates in the identification of a stolen colonial painting about to be auctioned in New York City.
- 10 / 2023: Talk given at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Fuentes sevillanas de la tipografía colonial peruana, siglos XVI y XVII)
- 09 / 2023: Invitation to give a public lecture at the Bibllioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 09 / 2023: Talk given at the 10° Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cuzco – Urubamba – Andahuaylillas – Juli).
- 09 / 2023: Invitation to publish in the journal Boletin de Arte (Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Málaga).
- 09 / 2023: Paper published at the Revista Colombiana de Pensamiento Estético e Historia del Arte 16: 10-31.
- 09 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 101 is out.
- 08 / 2023: Correspondence 6500 is posted.
- 08 / 2023: Invitation to present at the University of Lodz, Poland.
- 08 / 2023: Invitation to publish at Arte de América Latina, Journal of the Instituto Polaco de Investigación del Arte Mundial.
- 08 / 2023: Photographic expedition to the Convento de Ocopa, Junín, Perú.
- 07 / 2023: Invitation to present at the 10° Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cuzco and Juli).
- 07 / 2023: Photographic Expedition to Cusco (cities of Cuzco, San Jerónimo, and Urubamba).
- 07 / 2023: Launching of the project The Metamorphoses of Prints on the Colonial Territories of the Iberian Empires (a book-length monograph).
- 06 / 2023: Invitation to present research on colonial typography at the Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 06 / 2023: Online Course delivered on Jesuit Iconography at the Sacred Spaces of the Colonial Territories (Instituto Wiñay).
- 05 / 2023: Invitation to present at the Universidad de Málaga in early 2024.
- 04 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 100 is published.
- 04 / 2023: Invitation to give an online course on Jesuit Iconography at the Sacred Spaces of the Colonial Territories (Instituto Wiñay).
- 04 / 2023: Potential collaboration with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Hollstein Catalogs on 17th century Parisian engraver Jean Leclerc IV.
- 03 / 2023: PESSCA research to be presented at the VI Simposio Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano (Universidad de Granada, 14-16 de febrero 2024).
- 03 / 2023: PESSCA reviewed in the Early Modern Digital Review, Volume 5, Number 2. Special Issue: Digital Emblematica.
- 02 / 2023: PESSCA research to be presented at the XI Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (18-21 October, 2023, Sucre, Bolivia).
- 02 / 2023: Novedades de PESSCA 99 is issued.
- 01 / 2023: Correspondence 6400 is reached.
- 12 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 98 is issued.
- 12 / 2022: Correspondence 6300 is posted.
- 12 / 2022: Zoom presentation of PESSCA research at the conference El Grabado en Andalucía y su huella en América (Universidad de Málaga).
- 12 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 97 is out.
- 11 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 96 is published.
- 11 / 2022: Zoom lecture on PESSCA research at the Cortes Virreinales Americanas seminar (Université de Louvain).
- 10 / 2022: Zoom lecture on PESSCA research at the seminar Las Catedrales: Tiempos y Espacios (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela).
- 10 / 2022: Lecture at the UNAM at a conference on the impact of the Klauber presses on 18th century Spanish Colonial Art.
- 10 / 2022: Collaboration initiated with the project Biblioiconografía Mexicana de los siglos XVI-XVII (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí).
- 10 / 2022: Lecture at the conference Nuevas perspectivas humanísticas para la cultura impresa hispánica (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí).
- 10 / 2022: Collaboration initiated with the Department of Prints and Drawings, Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels.
- 10 / 2022: Collaboration initiated with the project Orbis Imagines (Universidad de Málaga).
- 10 / 2022: Invitation to give a zoom lecture on PESSCA at the conference El Grabado en Andalucía y su huella en América (Universidad de Málaga, 12/2022).
- 10 / 2022: Lecture at the V Simposio Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano (Universitat de València, 19-21 de octubre 2022).
- 10 / 2022: Lecture on the impact of Italian prints on Colonial Art at the Instituto Italiano de Cultura, Lima, Perú.
- 09 / 2022: Photographic expedition to Juli, Pomata, and Zepita.
- 09 / 2022: Led a visit to the Iglesia de San Pedro de Juli.
- 09 / 2022: Collaboration initiated with the Prelatura de Juli (Puno, Perú).
- 09 / 2022: Photographic Expediition to Cusco concluded.
- 09 / 2022: Invitation to give a zoom lecture at the seminar Catedrales en la Edad Moderna (Santiago de Compostela).
- 09 / 2022: Invitation to give a zoom lecture at the Cortes Virreinales Americanas seminar (Université de Louvain).
- 09 / 2022: Lecture at the 9 Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco-Juli, 19-27 September 2022).
- 09 / 2022: Correspondence 6200 is posted.
- 09 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 95 is out.
- 09 / 2022: Invitation to give a course on the engraved sources of Spanish Colonial Art at Lodz University in 2023.
- 09 / 2022: Invitation to give a course on prints at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú in 2023.
- 08 / 2022: Invitation to talk about the impact of Italian prints on Colonial Art at the Instituto Italiano de Cultura, Lima, Perú.
- 07 / 2022: Photographic expedition to Juli, Pomata, Ilave, Ácora, and Chucuito returns with more than 900 photographs.
- 06 / 2022: Examination of the rare book collection of the Biblioteca del Convento de los Descalzos, Lima, Perú.
- 06 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 94 is published.
- 06 / 2022: Examination of the typographic material kept at the Convento de los Descalzos, Lima, Perú.
- 06 / 2022: Invitation to present in Nuevas perspectivas humanísticas para la cultura impresa hispánica (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí).
- 05 / 2022: Photograhic expedition to ccolonial churches in the Rímac Distric, Lima, Perú.
- 05 / 2022: PESSCA Presentation at the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, Perú.
- 05 / 2022: Barroco Peruano shares its large photographic archive with PESSCA.
- 05 / 2022: Invitation to participate in the V Simposio Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano (Universitat de València, 19-21 de octubre 2022).
- 05 / 2022: Invitation to participate in the 9° Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco – Juli, setiembre 2022).
- 04 / 2022: Invitation to participate in the Klauber Project (Marcela Corvera Poiré (UNAM), principal investigator).
- 04 / 2022: Course on the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art delivered by zoom at the Wiñay Institute.
- 04 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 93 is out.
- 01 / 2022: Novedades de PESSCA 92 is up.
- 01 / 2022: The Wiñay Institute (Cusco) & The Centro de Estudios Andinos (Warsaw University) extend an invitation to deliver a course based on PESSCA research.
- 12 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 91 is published.
- 12 / 2021: Correspondence 6000 is reached.
- 12 / 2021: Invitation to make an online PESSCA presentation at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
- 12 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 90 is out.
- 12 / 2021: PESSCA zoom presentation at the IV Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano, organized by the Universidad Nacional Mayorde San Marcos.
- 11 / 2021: Invitation to give a course at the Wiñay Institute in the Spring of 2022.
- 11 / 2021: Invitation to give a course at the University of Lodz in the Spring of 2023.
- 11 / 2021: PESSCA zoom presentation at the course "La maniera italiana en los Andes" (Elena Amerio / Wiñay Institute).
- 11 / 2021: Ewa Kubiak shares with PESSCA thousands of photographs of Colonial Art.
- 11 / 2021: Photographic expedition returns from the Convento de Santa Rosa de Ocopa (Junín, Perú) with 900+ photos of colonial artworks and European prints.
- 10 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 89 is up.
- 10 / 2021: Correspondence 5900 is up.
- 10 / 2021: Photographic expedition returns from Cusco with 781 photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 10 / 2021: Over the last month, 2749 individuals visited the PESSCA site. Together, they conducted 4091 visits, viewed 21954 pages, and clocked about 273 hours. Visits came from the United States (21%), México (14%), Perú (14%), Spain (8%), Colombia (5%), and 77 other countries.
- 10 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 88 is published.
- 10 / 2021: Photographic expedition carried out at the Convento de los Descalzos, Lima, Perú.
- 10 / 2021: PESSCA to catalog the collection of colonial paintings in the Municipalidad de Canchis (Cusco, Perú).
- 10 / 2021: Google Meet presentation delivered at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
- 09 / 2021: Invitation to make a PESSCA presentation at the IV Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional de San Marcos).
- 08 / 2021: Invitation to make a PESSCA presentation at the Convento de Los Descalzos (Lima, Perú) in October.
- 08 / 2021: Invitation to make a PESSCA presentation at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in December.
- 08 / 2021: Invitation to present PESSCA project at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in August.
- 08 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 87 is up.
- 08 / 2021: Correspondence 5800 is reached.
- 07 / 2021: Invitation to make a virtual presentation at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
- 06 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 86 is out.
- 05 / 2021: Correspondence 5700 is up.
- 05 /2021: Novedades de PESSCA 85 is published.
- 04 / 2021: Virtual presentation of PESSCA research at the Barroco Cifrado conference (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo).
- 04 / 2021: Invitation to make a zoom presentation of PESSCA research at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
- 04 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 84 is out.
- 04 / 2021: Invitation to participate in a research project on the Klauber workshop led by Marcela Corvera (UNAM).
- 03 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 83 is published.
- 03 / 2021: Correspondence 5600 is posted.
- 03 / 2021: Zoom presentation of the PESSCA project at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
- 02 / 2021: PESSCA zoom presentation delivered through the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (Lima).
- 02 / 2021: PESSCA zoom presentation organized by the Museos Colonial y Santa Clara (Bogotá, Colombia).
- 02 / 2021: Novedades de PESSCA 82 is out.
- 01 / 2021: Invitation to make a Zoom presentation at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (Lima).
- 01 / 2021: Invitation to write a guest blog at the Museo Franz Mayer (Ciudad de México).
- 01 / 2021: Invitation to make a Zoom presentation at the Museos Colonial y Santa Clara (Bogotá).
- 12 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 81 is published.
- 12 / 2020: Correspondence 5500 is reached.
- 11 / 2020: Zoom presentation made at the Blanton Museum (University of Texas at Austin).
- 11 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 80 is out.
- 11 / 2020: Zoom presentation made at the Museo Franciscano de Quito.
- 11 / 2020: Research group formed at the Instituto Riva Agüero (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) to study the engraved sources of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 10 / 2020: Zoom presentation at the Museo Franciscano de Quito is scheduled.
- 10 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 79 is out.
- 10 / 2020: Correspondence 5400 is posted.
- 10 / 2020: Collaboration between PESSCA and the Thoma Collection is launched.
- 10 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 09 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation at the Museo del Carmen Alto, Quito, Ecuador.
- 09 / 2020: Video on PESSCA research posted by the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 09 / 2020: Global search-and-replace functionality implemented on the PESSCA site.
- 09 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation at the Blanton Museum (University of Texas at Austin) is scheduled.
- 09 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 78 is published.
- 08 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation scheduled at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú.
- 08 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation scheduled at the Museo del Carmen Alto, Quito, Ecuador.
- 08 / 2020: PESSCA zoom presentation scheduled at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México.
- 07 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 77 is up.
- 07 / 2020: Correspondence 5300 is reached.
- 07 / 2020: New PESSCA gallery is created (Gallery 15: La Doctrina Cristiana de Miguel de Santiago is up).
- 06 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 76 is out.
- 06 / 2020: John F. Scott slide donation is incorporated in the PESSCA Archives.
- 05 / 2020: PESSCA presentation, via teleconference, at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
- 05 / 2020: PESSCA presentation, via teleconference, at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Aurtónoma de México.
- 05 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 75 is up.
- 05 / 2020: Correspondence 5200 is posted.
- 04 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 74 is published.
- 04 / 2020: Discussions with the Museo Nacional de San Carlos (Mexico City) on future artshow postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.
- 03 / 2020: Issues with the display of long artworks in the PESSCA website are resolved (but thumbnail view must be sacrificed on smallest smartphone platforms).
- 03 / 2020: PESSCA Presentation at the V Congreso Internacional del Barroco Iberoamericano (Granada) is postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.
- 03 / 2020: PESSCA Presentation at the Barroco Cifrado Conference (São Paulo) postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.
- 03 / 2020: PESSCA Presentation at the Blanton Museum / University of Texas (Austin) postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.
- 03 / 2020: PESSCA presentation at the Université de Louvain-la-Neuve cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic.
- 03 / 2020: PESSCA presentation, via teleconference, at the symposium Visual Culture and Textualities in Colonial Spanish America (SUNY Stony Brook).
- 03 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 73 is up.
- 02 / 2020: Novedades de PESSCA 72 is posted.
- 01 / 2020: Photographic expedition to Cusco returns with hundreds of Colonial Art photographs.
- 12 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 71 is released.
- 12 / 2019: Correspondence 5000 is posted.
- 11 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 70 is out.
- 11 / 2019: Agreement of cooperation is signed between PESSCA and the Arzobispado del Cusco.
- 11 / 2019: Over the last month, 2481 individuals visited the PESSCA site. Together, they conducted 3254 visits, viewed 16921 pages, and clocked about 200 hours. Visits came from the United States (33%), Perú (15%), México (7%), Spain (6%), Colombia (4%), and 78 other countries.
- 11 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 69 is published.
- 11 / 2019: Major photographic expedition returns from Cusco.
- 11 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the Seminario de Historia del Arte y Patrimonio at the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad, Cusco.
- 11 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the III Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano in Lima, Perú.
- 10 / 2019: Photographic and bibliographic expedition to Chile is completed.
- 10 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the X Encuentro Internacional Sobre Barroco in Valparaíso, Chile.
- 10 / 2019: Correspondence 4900 is posted.
- 10 / 2019: Photographic and bibliographic expeditions are carried out in Santiago, Chile.
- 10 / 2019: PESSCA research is presented at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago, Chile.
- 09 / 2019: Photographic and bibliographic expeditions are carried out in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 09 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the Jornada de Grabado y Arte Colonial organized by the Instituto Julio E. Payró in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 08 / 2019: The PESSCA website is endowed with a responsive design (now it can be accessed from mobile devices).
- 08 / 2019: Photographs of Spanish Colonial Art acquired from a collection of auction catalogs and a set of art monographs.
- 08 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at an academic visit to Western University in London, Ontario.
- 08 / 2019: Photographic expedition to Cusco returns with photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 08 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the 6 Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano in Cusco, Perú.
- 08 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 68 is out.
- 08 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented in November at the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 08 / 2019: Course based on PESSCA research to be offered in October and November at the Convento Museo de San Francisco, Lima, Perú.
- 08 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 67 is published.
- 08 / 2019: Correspondence 4800 is up.
- 07 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented at a Jornada sobre Grabado at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 07 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented at the 6° Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano in Cusco, Perú.
- 07 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented at the X Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco, to be held in Valparaíso, Chile.
- 07 / 2019: Photographic expedition to Cuzco returns with hundreds of pictures.
- 07 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 66 is out.
- 06 / 2019: PESSCA invited to "Barroco Cifrado. Lo implícito, lo disimulado y lo invisible en las artes de América en el período colonial" (São Paulo, 2020).
- 06 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 65 is published.
- 06 / 2019: Specialist workshop on print valuation and cataloging to be led by PESSCA in October and November at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 06 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented and pursued in a two-week visit in September to the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
- 06 / 2019: PESSCA research to be presented in October at the III Congreso Internacional del Arte Peruano, UNMSM, Lima, Perú.
- 05 / 2019: PESSCA founder appointed Honorary Professor of Humanities at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 05 / 2019: Correspondence 4700 is up.
- 05 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 64 is posted.
- 04 / 2019: Photographic expedition returns from Lima with hundreds of photographs of Colonial Art.
- 04 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the I Encuentro de Cultura Virreinal (Identidades Limeñas) at the Museo Convento de San Francisco, Lima, Perú.
- 04 / 2019: Photographic expedition to Spain and Portugal returns with more than 500 photographs of Colonial Art.
- 04 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the IV Simposio Internmacional Investigadores Jóvenes del Barroco Iberoamericano in Extremadiura, Spain.
- 03 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 63 is published.
- 03 / 2019: Correspondence 4600 is reached.
- 02 / 2019: PESSCA to participate in an exhibit at the ICPNA to launch the Museo del Grabado.
- 02 / 2019: PESSCA to support the formation of a Museo del Grabado at the Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA) in Lima, Perú.
- 02 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 62 is issued.
- 02 / 2019: PESSCA research presented at the course Historia y Arte Peruano: Rumbo al Bicentenario, organized by the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 01 / 2019: Novedades de PESSCA 61 is out.
- 12 / 2018: Amigos de PESSCA now number 200.
- 12 / 2018: Correspondence 4500 is up.
- 12 / 2018: Over the last month, 1500 individuals visited the PESSCA website. Together they conducted 2100 visits, viewed 11,000 pages, and clocked about 123 hours. Visits came from the United States (19%), Peru (11%), Spain (8%), Mexico (8%), the United Kingdom (6%), Colombia (5%), and 76 other countries.
- 12 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 60 is posted.
- 12 / 2018: A course based on PESSCA research to be given at the Conjunto Monumental San Francisco (Lima) in the second semester of 2019.
- 12 / 2018: PESSCA research to be presented at a conference at the Conjunto Monumental San Francisco (Lima) on April 22-27, 2019.
- 12 / 2018: Visit to the Priet-Gaudibert Collection of Spanish Colonial Art in Versailles, France.
- 11 / 2018: PESSCA research presented at l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris, France.
- 11 / 2018: Print research launched at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú and other national heritage libraries of the country.
- 11 / 2018: Photographic expedition to Mexico City concludes with more than 1900 photographs of Novohispanic Art.
- 10 / 2018: Talk delivered at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos (Mexico CIty) on the use of prints in Novohispanic Art.
- 10 / 2018: PESSCA research featured in a Kuba Szutkowski video introducing an installation by Sol Calero at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.
- 10 / 2018: Lecture on PESSCA research delivered at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 09 / 2018: Specialist workshop on print identification and description delivered at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 09 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 59 is out.
- 09 / 2018: Correspondence 4400 is up.
- 09 / 2018: PESSCA research to be presented in October in a lecture delivered at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos, Ciudad de México.
- 09 / 2018: True bidirectional mirroring is established between the original PESSCA website and the replica hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú at Now, any change to one of these sites is, ipso facto, a change to the other.
- 09 / 2018: Peruvian online journal La Mula publishes interview on PESSCA.
- 08 / 2018: Seminar on PESSCA research to be presented in November at l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris, France.
- 08 / 2018: General talk on PESSCA research at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú to be presented in October.
- 08 / 2018: PESSCA to lead specialist workshop in September on print identification at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 08 / 2018: Survey of 16th, 17th, and 18th century print albums carried out at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 08 / 2018: Survey of colonial works held at the Instituto Riva Agüero (Lima, Perú).
- 07 / 2018: Spanish Colonial Art exhibit acknowledges PESSCA research (Exposición Advocaciones Marianas, Country Club Lima Hotel, June-July 2018)
- 07 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 58 is posted.
- 07 / 2018: Short photographic expedition on the Camino de Santiago (Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos, León, and Galicia).
- 07 / 2018: PESSCA research presented at the 56th International Congress of Americanists in Salamanca, Spain.
- 06 / 2018: PESSCA research to be presented at the Segundo Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú).
- 06 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 57 is out.
- 06 / 2018: Correspondence 4300 is up.
- 06 / 2018: PESSCA invited to present at the I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Arte Religioso (Museo de Arte Religioso Juan de Tejeda, Córdoba, Argentina)
- 05 / 2018: Field trip through the State of Mexico returns with 15 books and 700 images of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 05 / 2018: PESSCA research presented at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 04 / 2018: PESSCA interview in puntoedu, the weekly magazine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 04 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 56 is posted.
- 04 / 2018: PESSCA to research the colonial collections of the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, Perú.
- 04 / 2018: PESSCA Director named Honorary Member of the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, Perú.
- 03 / 2018: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 02 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 55 is out.
- 02 / 2018: Correspondence 4200 is reached.
- 01 / 2018: Over the last month, 1425 indiviuduals visited the PESSCA website. Together they conducted 2051 visits, viewed 13903 pages, and clocked about 185 hours. Visits came from the United States (22%), Peru (14%), the United Kingdom (9%), Spain (8%), Mexico (6%), and 68 other countries.
- 01 / 2018: PESSCA to look into image recognition software as a research tool.
- 01 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 54 is issued.
- 01 / 2018: New essay is posted (see Fuentes Grabadas del Arte Colonial: La evidencia documental)
- 01 / 2018: Expedited review of new correspondences is restored.
- 12 / 2017: PESSCA research to be featured at an art show to open in October 2018 at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos, in Mexico City.
- 12 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 53 is issued.
- 12 / 2017: Correspondence 4100 is posted.
- 11 / 2017: Photographic expedition to Buenos Aires, Salta, Jujuy, and Córdoba returns with more than 1200 photographs of Spanish Colonial art.
- 11 / 2017: PESSCA research presented at the IX Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (Buenos Aires).
- 11 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 52 is mailed out.
- 11 / 2017: Amigos the PESSCA now number 175.
- 11 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the 56° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (Salamanca 2018).
- 10 / 2017: Lightning photographic expedition to Lima returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 10 / 2017: PESSCA Research presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos).
- 10 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 51 is out.
- 9 / 2017: Photographic expedition returns from Lima with more than 17000 photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Photographic expedition returns from Cusco with more than 1400 photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Work of PESSCA presented at the IV Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco, Peru).
- 9 / 2017: PESSCA plays a role in the recovery of a second stolen masterpiece of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Correspondence 4000 is posted.
- 9 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, October 2017).
- 9 / 2017: The work of PESSCA is featured at the Permanent Seminar on the Digital Humanities founded at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 9 / 2017: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú offers an extracurricular seminar based on PESSCA research.
- 8 / 2017: PESSCA deepens its collaboration with the Museo Pedro de Osma in Lima, Peru.
- 7 / 2017: The Proyecto de Estudios Indianos opens a research line on Historia del Arte Virreinal Americano based on the work of PESSCA.
- 7 / 2017: Photographic expedition to Quito returns with more than 4500 photographs of Spanish Colonial art.
- 6 / 2017: PESSCA plays a role in the recovery of a stolen masterpiece of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 6 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 49 is issued.
- 6 / 2017: Correspondence 3900 is reached.
- 5 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the IX Encuentro Barroco (Buenos Aires, November 2017).
- 5 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 48 is posted.
- 4 / 2017: PESSCA invited to present at the IV Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco, September 2017).
- 4 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire the state-of-the-art Hollstein catalog of the graphic works after Jan van der Straet.
- 4 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 47 is out.
- 4 / 2017: Correspondence 3800 is posted.
- 3 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 46 is posted.
- 3 / 2017: Correspondence 3700 is reached.
- 3 / 2017: Seminar based on PESSCA research to be offered at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in August 2017.
- 3 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire a complete set of photographs of the large collection of thesis sheets of the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg.
- 3 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire the state-of-the-art Hollstein catalog of the graphic works after Maarten de Vos.
- 2 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 45 is out.
- 1 / 2017: Major exhibit based on the work of PESSCA opens in Cusco.
- 1 / 2017: Photographic exhibit to Cusco returns with more than 2300 photographs.
- 12 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 44 is posted.
- 12 / 2016: Correspondence 3600 is reached.
- 11 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 43 is out.
- 10 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 42 is issued.
- 10 / 2016: Correspondence 3500 is posted.
- 09 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 41 is released.
- 09 / 2016: PESSCA research is featured at a major exhibit on Cuzco School Painting at the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 09 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima.
- 09 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Seminario de Santo Toribio, Lima, Perú.
- 09 / 2016: Major photographic expedition to the City of Cusco and its environs returns with thousands of photographs.
- 08 / 2016: Exhibition based on PESSCA research to be inaugurated at Casa Garcilaso (Cusco) in January 2017.
- 08 / 2016: Course on Spanish Colonial Art based on PESSCA research is delivered in Cusco.
- 08 / 2016: PESSCA research to be featured at an exhibit in Mexico City in 2018.
- 08 / 2016: Photographic Expedition to Arequipa returns with hundreds of photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 08 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Siglo de Oro Conference in Arequipa.
- 08 / 2016: Research collaboration launched with the rare book library at the Convento de la Recoleta, Arequipa.
- 08 / 2016: Major exhibit in Arequipa features PESSCA research.
- 07 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 40 is out.
- 07 / 2016: Correspondence 3400 is posted.
- 07 / 2016: PESSCA invited to present materials at an upcoming exhibition of Colonial Art at the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 07 / 2016: Collaborative project is launched regarding a set of gilded copperplates at the Osma Museum in Lima, Perú.
- 07 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition in Arequipa is launched.
- 07 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition in Lima is launched.
- 07 / 2016: PESSCA Gallery 14 (Epigraphy of the Prophets of Congonhas) opens.
- 06 / 2016: The PESSCA website received more than 20,000 visits in the last month.
- 05 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 39 is issued.
- 04 / 2016: Correspondence 3300 is reached.
- 04 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 38 is posted.
- 04 / 2016: Collaboration with PESSCA highlighted in the Museo de Osma facebook.
- 03 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 37 is issued.
- 03 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition to Quito returns with hundreds of photographed pieces.
- 03 / 2016: De Augsburgo a Quito catalog launched in Quito at the Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús.
- 12 / 2015: A new exhibition based on PESSCA research is set for Summer 2016 at the Convento de Santa Catalina, Arequipa, Peru.
- 12 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 36 is out.
- 12 / 2015: Correspondence 3200 is posted.
- 12 / 2015: The catalog for the De Augsburgo a Quito show is published.
- 11 / 2015: The UC Davis Journal of the Institute for Social Studies reviews PESSCA.
- 11 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 35 is released.
- 10 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 34 is issued.
- 10 / 2015: Correspondence 3100 is reached.
- 10 / 2015: In the last month, 1876 individuals made 2548 visits to the PESSCA website, collectively viewing 17532 pages.
- 09 / 2015: Photographic expedition to Cuzco returns with more than 1000 photographs.
- 09 / 2015: Presentations of PESSCA research at the II Festival Internacional del Barroco Latinoamericano and at the Escuela de Bellas Artes (Cuzco, Peru).
- 09 / 2015: Photographic expedition to Lima returns with more than 150 photographs.
- 09 / 2015: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Miércoles Patrimoniales series of the Muncipalidad de Lima.
- 08 / 2015: New gallery opens in PESSCA site (Gallery 13: The Elogia Mariana of the Great Cathedral of Cuzco).
- 08 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 33 is released.
- 08 / 2015: PESSCA acquires photographs of more than two hundred Klauber engravings from the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- 07 / 2015: PESSCA research featured at Para Vos Nací, art exhibit organized by the Municipalidad de Lima.
- 07 / 2015: Correspondence 3000 is posted.
- 06 / 2015: PESSCA Findings reported by news organizations in Arequipa.
- 06 / 2015: Photographic Expedition to Arequipa and Valle del Colca returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 06 / 2015: Presentation of PESSCA results at the VIII Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (Arequipa, Perú).
- 06 / 2015: PESSCA is ten years old.
- 05 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 32 is out.
- 05 / 2015: Correspondence 2900 is reached.
- 04 / 2015: PESSCA joins international effort led by the Archbishopric of Cuzco to find, catalog, research and publicize colonial artworks of the city.
- 04 / 2015: PESSCA Archive acquires photographs of more than a hundred 18th century engravings produced in Augsburg at the Klauber Workshop.
- 03 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 31 is published.
- 02 / 2015: In the last month, 1485 individuals made 1932 visits to the PESSCA website, collectively viewing 14996 pages (Source: Google Analytics).
- 02 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 30 is issued.
- 02 / 2015: Correspondence 2800 is posted.
- 01 / 2015: Collaboration with the Museum of the Convento de Santa Catalina, Arequipa, Perú.
- 12 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 29 is released
- 12 / 2014: De Augsburgo a Quito closes after welcoming 20,413 visitors
- 12 / 2014: Correspondence 2700 is reached
- 10 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 28 is issued.
- 10 / 2014: Correspondence 2600 is posted.
- 09 / 2014: Research visit to the Museo de América (Madrid) is completed.
- 09 / 2014: Results of PESSCA research are presented at the VIII Congress of the Seciedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra (Museo de Navarra, Pamplona).
- 09 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 27 is released.
- 08 / 2014: Photographic expedition to Lima returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 07 / 2014: Major exibit opens in Quito based on PESSCA research.
- 07 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 26 is issued.
- 07 / 2014: Correspondence 2500 is reached.
- 07 / 2014: PESSCA Workshop at the Universidad Católica organizes the entire set of PESSCA correspondences by artwork location (click here).
- 07 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Ayacucho returns with 1GB of photographs.
- 06 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Cuzco returns with 2GB of photographs.
- 05 / 2014: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú installs a mirror of the PESSCA site in its institutional repository (click here).
- 05 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Quito returns with 600 photographs of colonial artworks.
- 04 / 2014: PESSCA lectures and workshops are begun at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 03 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 24 is issued.
- 03 / 2014: Major upgrade of the PESSCA website is performed
- 03 / 2014: Correspondence 2400 is posted.
- 02 / 2014: Gallery 12: The Celestial Dome of El Sagrario de Quito opens.
- 02 / 2014: Filipa Medeiros contributes photographs of the illustrations to the Missale Romanum of Lisbon, 1784.
- 01 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 23 is released.
- 12 / 2013: The Friends of PESSCA list registers its 100th member.
- 12 / 2013: Visitors to the PESSCA website collectively view more than 40,000 pages of the site in the last month.
- 12 / 2013: Correspondence 2300 is reached.
- 12 / 2013: PESSCA is mentioned in Desde la Sala, órgano informativo de la Sala Antioquia, Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín, Colombia.
- 11 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 22 is issued.
- 11 / 2013: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú will host a mirror of the PESSCA site.
- 10 / 2013: Visitors to the PESSCA website collectively view more than 30,000 pages of the site in the last month.
- 09 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 21 is out.
- 09 / 2013: PESSCA featured at the 28th Congress of the International Bibliophile Association (Augsburg University Library Session).
- 09 / 2013: Expedition to Germany returns with photographs of more than 1700 engravings produced in 18th century Augsburg.
- 09 / 2013: Correspondence 2200 is posted.
- 08 / 2013: Gallery: 11 The Remarkable Apostles of Göz - Klauber - Rodríguez opens.
- 08 / 2013: Rubem Amaral Jr. donates to PESSCA a valuable collection of photographs of Brazilian Colonial art.
- 08 / 2013: Correspondence 2100 is reached.
- 07 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 20 is posted.
- 07 / 2013: Photographic expedition to Quito returns with close to 3000 photographs of Colonial Art.
- 07 / 2013: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador.
- 07 / 2013: Review of PESSCA in the Society for Emblem Studies Newsletter, Volume 53.
- 07 / 2013: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecudaor.
- 07 / 2013: Almerindo Ojeda, director of PESSCA, is interviewed in Arte Colonial Andino: Laboratorio de Investigación Sobre Arte
- 06 / 2013: Presentation of the PESSCA project at the Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 05 / 2013: PESSCA joins the team producing The Art of Painting in Colonial Bolivia (forthcoming from Saint Joseph's University Press).
- 05 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 19 is out.
- 05 / 2013: Correspondence 2000 is posted.
- 05 / 2013: PESSCA receives a grant from the University of California Humanities Network (University of California Humanities Research Institute); it is then supplemented by the UC Davis Humanities Institute and the UC Davis College of Letters and Science.
- 05 / 2013: Lightning visit to the Spanish Colonial holdings in the Brooklyn Museum, Saint Joseph's University, and the Huber Collection.
- 04 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 18 is released.
- 04 / 2013: PESSCA invited to present at the Universidad Andina in Quito, Ecuador.
- 03 / 2013: Google Analytics records more than 2000 visits to the PESSCA website in one month. In them, 1415 people viewed 20422 pages.
- 02 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 17 is issued.
- 02 / 2013: Correspondence 1900 is reached.
- 01 / 2013: Google Analytics records more than 1500 visits to the PESSCA website in one month.
- 01 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 16 is released.
- 01 / 2013: PESSCA invited to present the results of its research at The Fourteenth Colony: California Indians, Missions, Presidios, and Colonists in the Hispanic Frontier, 1769-1848, a workshop organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the California State University at Monterey Bay with support from The National Endowment for the Humanities. Asilomar, California, July 13-19, 2013).
- 12 / 2012: Research at the Reserves, Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Paris.
- 12 / 2012: Correspondence 1800 is posted.
- 11 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 15 is issued.
- 09 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 14 is released.
- 09 / 2012: Correspondence 1700 is reached.
- 09 / 2012: A collaboration is launched with the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 08 / 2012: PESSCA examines the latest additions to the Colonial collection of the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 07 / 2012: Photographic expedition to the Monasterio de Santa Teresa de Ayacucho is undertaken.
- 07 / 2012: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú funds a photographic expedition to Ayacucho.
- 07 / 2012: Seventy five scholars, collectors, curators, conservators, marchands, photographers, and art enthusiasts are now Friends of PESSCA.
- 07 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 13 is issued.
- 07 / 2012: Comprehensive photographic capture of the paintings of the Iglesia de Jesús, María, y José in Lima.
- 06 / 2012: PESSCA reaches correspondence 1600.
- 06 / 2012: Friends of PESSCA meet in Lima to discuss future enhancements to the project.
- 06 / 2012: PESSCA is granted access to the Jaime Borja Archive of images of Neogranadine Art.
- 06 / 2012: Photographic expedition to Colombia (Bogotá, Boyacá, and Popayán).
- 06 / 2012: A series of lectures based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá, Colombia.
- 05 / 2012: A lecture based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Catholic University in Lima, Peru.
- 05 / 2012: A series of master classes based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Catholic University in Lima, Peru.
- 05 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 12 is issued
- 03 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 11 is issued.
- 03 / 2012: PESSCA begins archiving correspondences with architectural subjects
- 02 / 2012: PESSCA reaches correspondence 1500.
- 02 / 2012: The Inter-American Institute for Advanced Study in Cultural History opens to us its collection of images of Colonial Latin American art.
- 01 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 10 is issued.
- 01 / 2012: PESSCA to participate in the scholarly exchange program between the UCD-HIA and the PUCP.
- 01 / 2012: Photographic expedition to Goa (India) returns with more than 700 images.
- 11 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 9 is issued.
- 11 / 2011: Correspondence 1400 is reached.
- 09 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 8 is issued
- 08 / 2011: More than fifty scholars, collectors, curators, conservators, marchands, photographers, and art enthusiasts are now Friends of PESSCA.
- 08 / 2011: Correspondence 1300 is posted.
- 08 / 2011: Gallery 10: Las Sibilas del Palacio de Minería is installed.
- 07 / 2011: Collaboration with the Peruvian National Library begins.
- 06 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 7 is issued.
- 06 / 2011: PESSCA is mentioned in scholarly publication from Medellín, Colombia (Historelo 3(5)).
- 06 / 2011: The correspondences of the PESSCA Archive are now organized by subject.
- 06 / 2011: PESSCA is mentioned in scholarly publication from Buenos Aires, Argentina (Eadem Utraque Europa 6)
- 06 / 2011: Travel to Mexico City to acquire colonial art publications.
- 06 / 2011: Second photographic expedition to the California mission of San Juan Bautista.
- 05 / 2011: PESSCA posts its 1200th correspondence.
- 04 / 2011: Photographic Expedition to the California missions of San Juan Bautista and Nuestra Señora de la Soledad.
- 03 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 6 is issued.
- 02 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 5 is issued.
- 02 / 2011: PESSCA hits its 1100th correspondence.
- 02 / 2011: The Espínola Collection (Valencia, Spain) shares with PESSCA digital images of its important print holdings.
- 01 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 4 is issued.
- 12 / 2010: The UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas supports with a grant the hosting of the PESSCA website.
- 11 / 2010: Novedades de PESSCA 2/3 are issued.
- 11 / 2010: Collaborative efforts initiated in Spain.
- 11 / 2010: Lightning photographic expedition led in Mexico City, Tepotzotlán, Puebla, and Cholula.
- 11 / 2010: PESSCA is presented at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
- 09 / 2010: PESSCA correspondences in permanent display at the Pedro de Osma Museum in Lima, Peru.
- 09 / 2010: PESSCA is mentioned in Desde la Sala, órgano informativo de la Sala Antioquia, Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín, Colombia.
- 08 / 2010: Novedades de PESSCA 1 is issued
- 08 / 2010: PESSCA reaches its 900th correspondence.
- 08 / 2010: The Friends of PESSCA mailing list is formed.
- 08 / 2010: PESSCA website adds a Recent Changes page and offers RSS feeds.
- 07 / 2010: Translation of the site reaches its final stretch: translating the artwork entries.
- 06 / 2010: Presentation of PESSCA at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 06 / 2010: PESSCA site garners 4th place in Google searches with key words colonial art.
- 06 / 2010: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú sponsors PESSCA's photographic expedition to Lima.
- 05 / 2010: PESSCA celebrates its fifth anniversary.
- 05 / 2010: PESSCA hits its 800th correspondence, gathering in one year as many correspondences as it gathered in the previous four.
- 03 / 2010: Translation of the PESSCA website into Spanish begins.
- 02 / 2010: The UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas supports with a grant the hosting of the PESSCA website.
- 02 / 2010: PESSCA reaches its 700th correspondence.
- 02 / 2010: PESSCA receives a grant from Catholic University in Lima, Peru, to translate the PESSCA site into Spanish.
- 12 / 2009: Users may enlarge archival images by clicking on them.
- 12 / 2009: PESSCA site garners 5th place in Google searches with key words colonial art.
- 11 / 2009: PESSCA reviewed in New World / New Worlds (November 9, 2009)
- 11 / 2009: PESSCA hits its 600th correspondence.
- 11 / 2009: Presentation of the project at the UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas
- 10 / 2009: PESSCA posts its 500th correspondence.
- 10 / 2009: Collaborative efforts initiated in Colombia.
- 10 / 2009: PESSCA reviewed in Vitral 21 (GERE, Buenos Aires)
- 09 / 2009: Collaborative efforts developed in Argentina.
- 09 / 2009: PESSCA site ranks 7th in Google searches with keywords colonial art.
- 08 / 2009: Collaborative efforts established in Mexico.
- 08 / 2009: PESSCA posts its 400th correspondence.
- 06 / 2009: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú sponsors PESSCA's photographic expedition to Cuzco.
- 06 / 2009: PESSCA reaches its 300th correspondence.
- 05 / 2009: PESSCA goes public and launches an open website.