The argument between Ajax and Ulysses for the armor of Achilles (Met. XIII, 1-381)
The argument between Ajax and Ulysses for the armor of Achilles (Met. XIII, 1-381)

- Artist
- Virgilius Solis (1514-1562)
- Title
- The argument between Ajax and Ulysses for the armor of Achilles (Met. XIII, 1-381)
- Date
- 1563
- Medium
- Woodcut [TIB 19(1), 7.150] after Bernard Salomon (1506-1561). Figure 150 of M. Johann Spreng's Metamorphoses Ovidii. Frankfurt: 1563.
- Photo Source
- Google Books
- Item
- 1445A
- Correspondences
- Archive: 1445A/1445B
- Archive: 1445A/1445B