It shall bear fruit even in old age (Psalms, 91) (The Society of Jesus promises abundant fruits in the year)
It shall bear fruit even in old age (Psalms, 91) (The Society of Jesus promises abundant fruits in the year)

- Artist
- Cornelis Galle I (1576-1650)
- Title
- It shall bear fruit even in old age (Psalms, 91) (The Society of Jesus promises abundant fruits in the year)
- Date
- 1640
- Medium
- Etching. Emblem on p. 50 of the Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesu[.] by Johannes Bolland (1596-1665) et al. Pubished by Balthazar Moretus I (1574-1641) in 1640 at the Officina Plantiniana, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Photo Source
- openlibrary.org
- Item
- 2665A