Prometheus alongside a lion
Prometheus alongside a lion

- Artist
- Villa Alta de San Ildefonso de Oaxaca Workshop
- Title
- Prometheus alongside a lion
- Date
- 17th or 18th century
- Medium
- Lute-filled sgrafitto on inlaid wood (Marquetería, taracea, intarsia, o madera embutida con esgrafiados rellenos de pasta de zulaque). Decoration on the inner surface of a small trunk (bufetillo) top.
- Location
- Private collection
- Photo Source
- Curiel et al. 2011, 29.
- Correspondence Credit
- Rubem Amaral Jr.
- Note
- The images of Prometheus and of the lion come from the same edition of Alciato's emblems (Lyon: Macé Bonhomme for Guillaume Rouillé, 1549).
- Item
- 3820B