
- Artist
- Unidentified Cuzco Artist
- Title
- Vanitas
- Date
- 18th century
- Medium
- Oil on canvas
- Location
- Lechuga Collection, Cusco, Perú.
- Photo Source
- Mesa & Gisbert 1982, cat. 541.
- Correspondence Credit
- Almerindo Ojeda
- Note 1
- Similar versions of the woodcut in 5500A appeared in the editions of 1718, 1743, 1768, 1802, and 1827 of Sierra's Ramillete de divinas flores, but none of these is as close to the painting as is 5500A, which appeared in the 1722 edition.
- Note 2
- The text at the bottom right of this painting reads O DICHOSO O INFELIX MOMENTO DE NVESTRO FIN EN QVE AVN ESTA EL GOZAR ETERNIDAD DE GLORIA O PENA. In the corresponding woodcut, the text over the main character reads: Aunque mas huyais, mas cerca estais. This second text is illegible in the photograph above.
- Item
- 5500B
- Correspondences
- Archive: 5500A/5500B
- Archive: 5500A/5500B
- 5500A/5500B