The Venerable Francisco del Castillo, S.J.
The Venerable Francisco del Castillo, S.J.

- Artist
- Juan Francisco Rosa (signed and dated works between 1739 and 1746)
- Title
- The Venerable Francisco del Castillo, S.J.
- Date
- 18th century
- Medium
- Engraving. Published in Lima as an illustration to the Elogio del Vener[able] Siervo de Dios P. Francisco del Castillo de la Compañía de Jesús —a pamphlet recounting the life, virtues, and miracles of Father del Castillo. The text of this pamphlet could be a reprint of a publication issued at the launch of his beatification process, 1677-1685.
- Photo Source
- Digital Collections. Rubenstein Library, Duke University.
- Item
- 5632A
- Correspondences
- Archive: 5632A/5632B
- Archive: 5632A/5632B
- 5632A/5632B