The Betrothal of the Virgin
The Betrothal of the Virgin

- Artist
- Unidentified Cuzco Artist
- Title
- The Betrothal of the Virgin
- Date
- 18th century
- Medium
- Oil on canvas
- Location
- Current whereabouts unknown (PESSCA welcomes any information leading to the location of this work).
- Photo Source
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Stolen Art File, Reference #00463.
- Correspondence Credit
- Almerindo Ojeda
- Note
- We are sourcing this painting to the van Mallery engraving 4424A rather than to the Collaert original. This is because the direction of the composition of the Presentation of the Virgin (6211B) in this series of paintings matches the direction of van Mallery rather than that of Collaert.
- Item
- 6212B
- Correspondences
- Archive: 4424A/6212B
- Archive: 4424A/6212B
- 4424A/6212B