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Seal of the Society of Jesus (Vocabis nomen eivs Iesvm - Matthew 1:21)

Seal of the Society of Jesus (Vocabis nomen eivs Iesvm - Matthew 1:21)

Workshops of Antonio Ricardo and Francisco del Canto
Seal of the Society of Jesus (Vocabis nomen eivs Iesvm - Matthew 1:21)
Woodcut. Published in the following works: Doctrina christiana y catecismo […] compuesto por auctoridad del Concilio Prouincial, que se celebro en la Ciudad de los Reyes el año de 1583[.] Impresso en la Ciudad de los Reyes por Antonio Ricardo, primero impressor en estos Reynos del Piru. Año de MDLXXXIIII [title page (shown here) and colophon] Tercero cathecismo y exposicion de la doctrina christiana[.] Lima: Antonio Ricardo, 1585 [title page] — Confessionario para los curas de indios[.] Lima: Antonio Ricardo, 1585 [title page] — Constituciones y ordenanças de la universidad[.] Lima: Antonio Ricardo, 1602 [colophon] — Vocabulario en la lengua general del Peru[.] Lima: Antonio Ricardo, 1604 [title page] —  Doctrina christiana y cathecismo[.] Lima: Francisco del Canto, 1606 [title page] — Digo Gonçalez Holguin, Gramatica y arte nueva de la lengua general de todo el Peru[.] Lima: Francisco del Canto, 1607 [title page] — Alonso de Villegas, Libro de la vida y milagros de Nuestro Señor[.] Juli: Impreso en la casa de la Compañia de Iesus por Francisco del Canto, 1612 [title page] — Diego Torres Rubio, Arte de la lengua aymara. Lima: Francisco del Canto, 1616 [title page].
Antiguas Imprentas de Antonio Ricardo and Francisco del Canto, Lima, Perú.
Photo Source
John Carter Brown Library / Internret Archive
Correspondence Credit
Almerindo Ojeda
Although we have placed this woodcut in correspondence with 6406A, it is clear that the latter, which was published in 1583, cannot be the source of the former, which was first published in Mexico City in 1577. It is equally clear, however, that the actual source of 6406B must be an ancestor of 6406A. We have placed 6406A and 6406B in correspondence in the hopes that this correspondence will take us closer  to it. PESSCA welcomes any information leading us in that direction.
6422A (= 6406B)
Archive: 6422A/6422B
Archive: 6422A/6422B
Archive: 6422A/6422B