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Artwork Octet Stream 6571A
Ecce Homo
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6571B
Ecce Homo
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6572B
Virgen de la Cueva Santa
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6573B
Naboth refuses to sell his vineyard to Ahab (The Tenth Commandment)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6574B
Saint Joseph crowned by the Child Jesus
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6575B
Saint Joseph greeted by the Child Jesus in glory
Artwork Octet Stream 6576A
David inquiring after Goliath's challenge
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6576B
David inquiring after Goliath's challenge
Artwork Octet Stream 6577A
David confronting Goliath
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6577B
David confronting Goliath
Artwork Octet Stream 6578A
David beheading Goliath
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6578B
David beheading Goliath
Artwork Octet Stream 6579A
The Christ Child as Salvator Mundi
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6579B
The Christ Child as Salvator Mundi
Artwork Octet Stream 6580A
Saint Philip the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6580B
Saint Philip the Apostle
Artwork Octet Stream 6581A
Vision of Saint Anthony of Padua
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6581B
Vision of Saint Anthony of Padua
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6582B
Saint John Nepomucene
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6583B
Virgen de la Candelaria (formerly Virgen de la Luz?)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6584B
Virgen de la Luz
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6585B
Monstrance with archangel stem
Artwork Octet Stream 6586A
Christ as Salvator Mundi
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6586B
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6587B
Saint Peter the Apostle as bishop
Artwork Octet Stream 3894A
The Miracle of the Roses
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6588B
Saint Andrew the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6589B
Saint James the Greater as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6590B
Saint Philip the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6591B
Saint John the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6592B
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6593B
Saint Judas Thaddaeus as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6594B
Saint Matthew the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6595B
Saint Simon the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6596B
Saint James the Lesser as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6597B
Aaint Matthias the Apostle as bishop
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6598B
Saint Paul the Apostle as bishop
Artwork Octet Stream 6598A
Saint Jerome Reading in the Wilderness
Artwork Octet Stream 6590A
Saints Andrew and Thomas the Apostles
Artwork Octet Stream 6593A
Saints Judas Thaddaeus and Thomas the Apostles
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6599B
The Last Four Things (Las Postrimerías del Hombre)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6600B
Moses and the Tables of the Law
Artwork Octet Stream 6601AA
Samson slays the lion of Timnah with his bare hands
Artwork Octet Stream 6601A
Samson slays the lion of Timnah with his bare hands
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6601B
Samson slays the lion of Timnah with his bare hands
Artwork C source code 105C
The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholmew (signature and date)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6602B
Christ sentenced by the Jews
Artwork Octet Stream 6603A
Martyrdom of Peter the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6603B
Martyrdom of Saint Peter the Apostle
Artwork Octet Stream 6604A
Martyrdom of Saint James the Greater
Artwork Octet Stream 6605A
Martyrdom of Saint Matthias the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6604B
Martyrdom of Saint James the Greater
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6605B
Martyrdom of Saint Matthias the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6606B
The Conversion of Paul
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6607B
Christ sentenced by the Jews
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6608B
The Circumcision
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6609B
The Adoration of the Kings
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6610B
The Wedding of the Virgin
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6611B
The Massacre of the Innocents
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6612B
The Triumph of the Church through the Eucharist
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6613B
The Adoration of the Kings
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6614B
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6615B
O Tristissimum Spectaculum
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6616B
Saint Matthew the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6617B
Saint Luke painting the birth of the Virgin
Artwork Octet Stream 6618A
Toribio de Mogrovejo wearing pontificals
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6618B
Toribio de Mogrovejo wearing pontificals
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6619B
Toribio de Mogrovejo wearing pontificals
Artwork Octet Stream 6620A
S. Maria Mater Guadalupana Mexici
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6620B
Virgen de Guadalupe
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6621B
Virgen de Guadalupe
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6622B
Crowning and mocking of Christ
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6623B
Piercing with the spear
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6624B
The Descent from the Cross with Saint Francis of Assisi
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6625B
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6626B
Saint Ferdinand takes Seville
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6627B
Virgen de Guadalupe
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6628B
Toribio de Mogrovejo wearing pontificals
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6629B
Piercing with the spear
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6630B
S. Simon. Remissionem Peccatorum
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6631B
S. Paul. Vigilate state in fide
Artwork Octet Stream 6632A
Title page
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6632B
Images of Dominican and Franciscan Saints (with signatures of Frater Thomas and Frater Cyprianus Gonzales as draftmen)
Artwork Octet Stream 6633A
Francisco Solano
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6633B
Francisco Solano
Artwork C source code 6632C
Images of Dominican and Franciscan Saints (Detail)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6634B
Christ at the column
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6635B
Piercing with the spear
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6636B
O Tristissimum Spectaculum
Artwork Octet Stream 6637A
Agony in the Garden
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6637B
Agony in the Garden
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6638B
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Artwork Octet Stream 6639A
The Denial of Peter
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6639B
The Denial of Peter
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6640B
The Deposition with Saint Francis of Sales
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6641B
Ceiling ornament
Artwork Octet Stream 6642A
Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6642B
Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 6643B
Christ appears to Mary Magdalen
Artwork Octet Stream 6644A
The Raising of Lazarus