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Cast of Engravers: Alphabetical Presentation

Here is an alphabetical listing of the printmakers whose influence on Spanish Colonial artists has been documented in this website. If the actual name of a printmaker is not known, we enter him or her as a monogrammist (I.D. MONOGRAMMIST) or as the bearer of a standard descriptor (MASTER OF THE DIE). If we know neither the name, the monogram, or the standard descriptor of the maker of a print, we enter the name of the publisher of the print in question. As it turns out, Early Modern publishers are suitable surrogates of the printmakers they published, as publishers then bore ultimate responsibility for the prints they published. Regardless of whether or not they personally cut them or engraved them.

If a printmaker is known by significantly different names, we give as many of these names as we can. Following standard practice, names are occasionally combined with Roman numerals. This is done to distinguish between two or more members of a family of printmakers (or print publishers) that bear the same names. Thus, 'Ɪ' is combined with the name of the oldest of these members, 'ꞮꞮ' with the second oldest —and so on. To ease readbility, we have placed these numerals right after the first or given names.

To the extent that we have it, we add information on the dates of birth and death of the printmakers and print publishers we list. If such information is not available, we provide information regarding their dates of known activity (and identify this information explicitly as such). In some cases, information on the dates of known activity for a printmaker or a print publisher will come down to the year(s) that appear in the print(s) he or she created or published.

Unfortunately, the names and dates of many printmakers and print publishers are not consistent throughout the literature. For the most part, our list follows the names, spellings, and dates given in the Index to Catalogues Raisonnés of Works on Paper composed by the Print Council of America. Other sources used for names and dates include the Union List of Artists' Names of the Getty Research Institute, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the British Museum, the Virtual International Authority File, the Diccionario de grabadores y litógrafos que trabajaron en España. Siglos XV al XIX prepared by Arte Procomún, and others.

This list will be updated as new printmakers —or print publishers— are found to have an impact on Spanish Colonial Art. For questions or corrections, please contact us at

This list would have been impossible without the help of Natalia Meléndez and Eduardo Limón Rodríguez. To them, our heartfelt thanks.



ADAME, Miguel (active between 1699 and 1731)
AGNELLI, Federico (1626-1702)
ALDEGREVER, Heinrich (1502-1561)
ALESSANDRI, Innocente (1741-1803)
ALTZENBACH, Gerhard A. (1608-1677)
ALVIZTUR Y TORNARIA, Bernardo (1744 – ca. 1807)
AMBERES, Adrián de (1510-1568)
ÁNGELO, Pedro (or ANGELUS, Petrus) (1591-1621)
AQUILA, Pietro (1560-1692)
ARENAS, Manuela (or RUEDA, Viuda de José de) (active between 1709 and 1742)
ARNOULLET, Balthazar (active in the 16th century)
ARPHE Y VILLAFAÑE, Juan de (1535-1603)
ARRIETE Y LECEA, Juan Antonio de (active between 1697 and 1700)  
ARTEAGA Y ALFARO, Matías de (1630-1703)
ASTOR, Diego de (1601-1645)
AUDENAERDE, Robert van (1663-1743)
AUDRAN, Benoît  (1661-1721)
AUDRAN, Benoît  (1698-1772)
AUDRAN, Charles (1594-1674)
AUDRAN, Gérard (1640-1703)
AUDRAN, Jean (1667-1756)
AYALA, Domingo (active between 1805 and 1816)


BAECK, Elias (aka HELDENMUTH) (1679-1747)
BAILLIU, Barend de (or BALEU, Bernard) (1641-1694)
BAILLIU, Pieter de (1613-1660)
BALBÁS, Isidro de (active between 1745 and 1747)
BALLESTER, Joaquín (1740-1808)
BALLI (or VAILLY), Pedro (active between 1574 and 1600)
BALZER, Johann (1736-1799)
BARATTI, Antonio (1724-1787)
BARBÉ, Jean Baptiste (1578-1649)
BAROZZI DA VIGNOLA, Giacomo (1507-1573)
BARTOLOZZI, Francesco (1727-1815)
BASA, Domenico (active between 1535 and 1596)
BASSET, André (BASSET le Jeune) (active between 1775 and 1785)
BAUDET, Étienne (1631-1716)
BAZIN, Nicolas (1633-1710)
BÉATRIZET, Nicolas (1515 – after 1565)
BEER, Maria Eugenia de (1638-1648)
BEHAM, Hans Sebald (1500-1550)
BELLA, Stefano della (1610-1664)

BERARDI, Fabio (1728-1765)
BERATÓN, José (active between 1739 and 1764)
BERTELLI, Francesco (1569-1621) 
BERTELLI, Luca (active between 1560 and 1599)

BIE, Jacobus de (1581-1640)
BILLINGUE, Clemente (active between 1660 and 1716)
BIRCKHART, Anton (1677-1748)
BIRCKMANN, Arnold (active between 1530 and 1542)
BLAEU, Willem Janszoon (1571-1638)
BLANCHARD père (active between 1640 and 1703)
BLAS D S (active between 1554 and 1586)
BLOEMAERT, Cornelis ꞮꞮ (1603 – ca. 1684) [1]
BLONDEL, Jacques-François (1705-1774)
BODENEHR, Georg Conrad (1673-1710)
BOECKEL, Carel van (late 16th – early 17th century)
BOEL, Cornelis (1571-1618)
BOEL, Coryn (or Quirinus)  (1620-1688) 
BOEL, Jan (1592-1640)
BOIX, Esteve (1774 – after 1831) 

BOLSWERT, Boetius Adamsz. à (1580-1633) 
BOLSWERT, Schelte Adamsz. à (1586-1659)
BOMBELLI, Pietro Leone (1737-1809)
BONAVERI, Domenico Maria (ca. 1640 – ca. 1704)
BONETA Y LAPLANA, José (1638-1714)
BONHOMME, Mathias (or Macé) (active between 1536 and 1571)
BONNART, Jean-Baptiste-Henri (1678 – 1726)

BONNART, Nicolas Ɪ (1632-1723) 
BORCHT, Pieter van der (1530-1613)
BORGIANI (or BORGIANNI), Orazio (1573-1621)
BORREKENS, Matthaeus (ca. 1615 – 1670)
BOS, Jacob (1544-1585)

BOSCHE, Elias van den (1595-1625)
BOSSE, Abraham (1602-1676)
BOUDT, Cornelis de (1682-1713)
BOUTTATS, August (active between 1665 and 1675)
BOUTTATS, Caspar (1625-1695)
BOUTTATS, Peter Balthasar (1660-1755)
BOUTTATS, Philibert  (1675-1700)

BOUTTATS, Philippe (1680-1741)
BOUZONNET STELLA, Claudine (1636-1697)
BOYVIN, René (1520-1585)
BRAMBILLA, Ambrogio (active between 1579 and 1599)
BREBIETTE, Pierre (1593-1647)
BRESCIA, Bartolommeo da (or Bartolommeo LULMO) (1506-1578)
BRIEVA, Simón de (1752-1793)
BRIOT, Isaac (1585-1670)
BRIOT, Nicolas (1579-1646)
BRIZIO, Francesco (ca. 1574 – 1623)
BROCAR, Juan de (active between 1538 and 1558)
BRUGGEN, Jan van der (1679-1714)
BRUYN, Abraham de (1535-1592)
BRUYN, Nicolaes de (1571-1656)

BRY, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623)


CABRERA, Francisco (1781-1845)
CALLOT, Jacques (1592-1635)
CANTO, Francisco Ɪ del (active between 1554 and 1590)
CAPELLI, Pancrazio (active in the 18th century)
CAPILLA Y GIL, Vicente (1767-1817)
CAPPONI, Lorenzo (b. 1733; active between 1762 and 1771)
CARPI, Ugo da (1445-1537)
CARRACCI, Agostino (1557-1602)
CARRACCI, Annibale (1560-1619)
CARS, Jean-François (1661-1738)
CARTARO, Mario (1535-1601)
CASADEZ, F. (active in the 17th century)
CASANOVA Y SANCHONER, Carlos (1709-1770) 
CASTRO, Antonio (1666-1740)
CAUDÍ, José (active in the 17th century)
CAUKERCKEN, Cornelis van (1626-1680)
CAVALIERI, Giovanni Battista de' (1520-1600)
CAVALLI, Nicolò (1730-1822)
CESIO, Carlo (1626-1686)
CHATEAU, Nicolas (1675-1755)   
CHARPY, Edme (active ca. 1600)
CHASTEAU (or CASTELL), Guillaume (1635-1683)
CHÉREAU, Jacques-François (1742-1794)
CHIQUET, Jacques (active in the early 18th century)
CIACCONE, Alfonso (active between 1602 and 1627)
CIAMBERLANO, Luca (1570-1641)
CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista (1727-1785)
C.L. MONOGRAMMIST (active in the 17th or 18th century)
CLOUET, Albert (1636-1679)
CLOUET, Petrus (or Pieter) (1629-1670)
COCHIN, Charles Nicolas  (1715-1790)  
COCI, Jorge (active between 1499 and 1543)  
COEBERGHEN (or COEBERCHS), Cornelis (active between 1620 and ¿1670?)
COELEMANS, Jacobus (1654-1732)   

COLET, L. (active in 1660)
COLLAERT Adriaen (1555-1623)
COLLAERT, Carel (1598-1654)
COLLAERT, Jan (or Hans)  (1525-1585)
COLLAERT, Jan  (1556-1625)
COLLE, Pellegrino de (1737-1812) 
COLLIGNON, Francesco (1610-1687)
COLLIN, Richard (1627-1697)
CONTRERAS, Jerónimo de (active between 1618 and 1639)
COOL, Pieter (active ca. 1590)
COORNHERT, Dirck Volckertsz. (1522-1590)   
CORDEIRO, Nicolau José Baptista (active in 1781; d. by 1803)   
CORT, Cornelis (1528-1583)
COURBES, Jean de (1587-1635)
CRAJENSCHOT, Theodoor (ca. 1716/1717 – 1803)
CRESPIN, Jean (active in the 16th century)
CROM, Matthias (active between 1536 and 1546)
CROMBERGER, Jacobo (active between 1503 and 1529)
CROMBERGER, Jácome (1525-1560?)

CROMBERGER, Juan (active between 1527 and 1540; d. 1540)

CRUZ CANO Y OLMEDILLA, Juan de la (1734-1790)
CUSTOS, Dominicus (1560-1612)


DALEN, Cornelis ꞮꞮ van (1638-1664)
DAVID, Jérôme (1600-1675)
DELAHAYE, Charles (or Charles de la HAYE) (active between 1641 and ca. 1682)
DE LA MUELA, Andrés (active between 1770 and 1778)
DELGADO sculps. (active in 1746)
DELLA BELLA, Stefano (1610-1664)
DESPLACES, Louis (1682-1739)

DÍAZ DE MONTOYA, Fernando (active between 1578 and 1614)
DIEPENBEECK, Abraham van (1596-1675)
DIETTERLIN, Wendel  (1550-1599) 
DIEU, Antoine (1662-1727)
DIOS Y MIRANDA, Tomás de (active between 1671 and 1684)
DITMAER, Jan (ca. 1538 –  1603)
DOETECHUM, Johannes Ɪ van (1525-1611)
DOETECHUM, Lucas van (1554-1598)
DOLENDO Zacharias (1561-1604)
DORIGNY, Nicolas (1658-1746)
DOSSIER, Michel (1684-1750)
DREVET, Pierre (1663-1738)
DUBOIS, Élie (1605-1620)
DUCHANGE, Gaspard (1662-1757)
DUCHETTI, Claudio (active between 1554 and 1585)
DUFLOS, Claude (1665-1727)

DUPUIS, Charles (1685-1742)
DURANT, I. (active 1652-1662)
DÜRER, Albrecht (1471-1528)
DUVAL, Marc (1525-1586)


ECHEVERZ O.M., Francisco Miguel (1672-1745)
EDELINCK, Gerard (1640-1707)
ENDEN, Frans van den (1602-1674)
ENDEN, Martin van den (1625-1659)

ENGELBRECHT, Christian (1672-1735)
ENGELBRECHT, Martin (1684-1756)
ESKRICH (or CRUSE or VASE), Pierre (1515-1590)
ESPAÑA PORRAS, José Casildo (1778-1848)
ESPINOZA, Antonio de (ca. 1530 – 1576)


FALCK, Jeremias (1614-1682)
FALDONI, Gianantonio (1690-1770)
FARJAT (or FARIAT), Benoît (1646-1720)
FIRENS, Pierre (1580-1638)
FONSECA Y MIRANDA, José de (ca. 1774 – after 1812; active in 1801)
FONTANA, M. (active in the 19th century)

FOPPENS, François (or Francisco) (active between 1661 and 1673; d. 1684)
FOSCHI, Giuseppe (active between 1743 and 1778)

FOSMAN (or FORSTMAN) Y MEDINA, Gregorio (active between 1653 and 1713)
FRANCESCHI, Domenico dei (active between 1557 and 1586)
FRANCESCHINI, Vincenzo (1680-1750)
FRANCO, Giacomo (1556-1620)
FREY, Jacob (1681-1752)
FRIDRICH, Jacob Andreas Ɪ (1684-1751)
FRISIUS, Joannes Eillarts (1595-1655)
FRISIUS, Simon Wynouts (1575-1634)
FROSNE, Jean (1627-1681)
FRUYTIERS, Lodewyk Joseph (active between 1713 and 1782)
FRUYTIERS, Philip (1610-1666)
FURST, Paul (ca. 1605 – 1666)


G.A. MONOGRAMMIST (active in 1803)
GALCERÁN y ALAPONT, Vicente (1726-1788)
GALLE, Cornelis Ɪ (1576-1650)
GALLE, Cornelis  (1615-1678)
GALLE, Joannes  (1600-1676)
GALLE, Philip (1537-1612)
GALLE, Theodor (1566-1638)
GARCIA DE TEJADA, Anselmo (1785-1858)
GARCIA INFANÇON, Juan (active between 1676 and 1707)
GATTI, Oliviero (1579-1626)
GAULTIER, Barthélemy (1620-1666)
GAULTIER, Léonard (1561-1641)
GELRE, Passchijnke van (or Widow of Gerard de Jode) (active between 1591 and 1601)
GHEYN, Jacques ꞮꞮ de (1565-1629)
GHEYN, Willem de (active in 1660; b. 1610)
GHEZZI, Pier Leone (1674-1755)
GIUNTA, Luc Antonio (1450-1519)
GOES, Marinus Robyn van der (aka Ignatius Cornelius Marinus) (1606/1607 – 1639)
GOETIERS, Alexander (1637-1686)
GOETIERS, Marie-Anne (born before ca. 1688)
GOLTZIUS, Conrad (1575-1605)
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick (1558-1617)
GOLTZIUS, Julius (1545-1600)
GÓMEZ, Antonio (active ca. 1670)
GONZÁLEZ, I. F. (active between 1753 and 1761)
GOVERT, A. (active in the 17th century)
GÖZ, Franz Regis (1737 – after 1789)
GÖZ, Gottfried Bernhard (1708-1774)
GRAFFICO, Camillo (ca. 1565 – 1615)
GRAFTON, Richard (ca.1506/7 – 1573)
GRANDI, Carlo (active between 1729 and 1761)
GRANJON, Robert (1513-1590)

GRANTHOMME, Jacques  (1550/60 – ca.1622)
GRÉGOIRE, Jean (active between ca. 1651 and 1680)
GREUTER, Johann Friedrich (1590-1662)
GREUTER, Matthäus (1564-1638)
GRISPOLDI, Gaspare (active between 1610 and 1624)
GUÉRARD le fils, Nicolas (1680 – after 1749; active in 1716)
GUIDI, Raffaello (active between 1585 and 1612)
GUTIERREZ fe. Calle de Tacuba (active in the second half of the 18th century)
GUTIERREZ, Gennaro (active between 1725 and 1757)

GUTIERREZ, Juan (or GOTHERIUS, Ioannes) (active between 1559 and 1572)


HAELBECK, Jan van (1595-1635)
HANNAS, Marc Anton (1610 -1676)
HEISS, Elias Christoph (1660-1731)
HEISS, Gottlieb (1684-1740)  
HERNÁNDEZ, Domingo (active between 1632 and 1635)
HERTEL, Johann Georg (active between 1745 and 1765)
HERZ, Johann Daniel  (1693-1754)
HEYDEN, Jacob van der (or VERHEYEN, Jacob) (1573-1645)
HEYDEN, Pieter van der (1530-1572)
HEYLAN, Francisco (ca. 1590 – ca. 1650)
H:I:B:F. MONOGRAMMIST (¿H:I:B: MONOGRAMMIST fecit?(active in the second quarter of the 17th century)
HILLEBRAND (or HILDEBRANDT), Conrad (active between 1558 and 1608; d. 1608) 
HOFFER, Andreas (active in the 18th century) 
HOLBEIN, Hans  (1497-1543)
HOLLAR, Wenceslaus (or Wenzel) (1607-1677)
HONDIUS, Hendrik (1573-1650)
HONERVOGT, Jacques Ɪ (ca. 1583 – ca. 1666) [2]
HOOGHE, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
HOPFER, Hieronymus (1520-1568)
HORTHEMELS COCHIN, Louise-Magdeleine (1688-1767)
HOUAT, André  (active in the 1720s)
HURUS, Paul (active between 1484 and 1499; d. 1505)
HUYBRECHTS, Adriaen (or HUBERTI, Adrianus) (ca. 1550 – 1614)
HUYBRECHTS, Franz (or HUBERTI, Francis) (active between 1650 and 1687)
HUYBRECHTS, Gaspar (active between 1685-1724)


I.D. MONOGRAMMIST (active in 1501)
INGOUF, François-Robert (1747-1812)
IRALA (or YRALA) YUSO, Fray Matías de (1680-1753)


JEGHER, Christoffel (1593-1653)
JEGHER, Jan Christoffel (1618-1667)
JODE, Gerard de (1509-1591)
JODE, Pieter  de (1565-1639)
JODE, Pieter  de (1606-1674)
JOLLAIN, Gérard  (1634-1683)
JORDAN, Francisco (1778-1832)
JUNGWIERTH, Franz Xaver Andreas (1720-1790)


KAGER, Johann Mathias (1575-1634)
KERVER, Thielman (active between 1497 and 1522)   
KILIAN, Bartolomeus ꞮꞮ (1630-1696)
KILIAN, Georg (1683-1754)
KILIAN, Lucas (1579-1637)
KILIAN, Philip Andreas (1714-1759)
KILIAN, Wolfgang (1581-1662)
KLAUBER, Ignaz Sebastian (1753-1820)
KLAUBER, Johann Baptist (1712-1787) (or KLAUBER WORKSHOP)
KLAUBER, Joseph Sebastian (1700-1768) (or KLAUBER WORKSHOP)
KLAUBER, Jozef Wolfgang Xaver (1740-1813)
KOLLANETZ, Joseph (active in the 18th century)
KOMAREK, Giovanni Giacomo (1650-1705)
KRAUSS, Johann Ulrich (1655-1719)
KÜSEL (or KUSSELL), Matthäus (1629-1681)


LACAVALLERIA, Pedro de (active between 1628 and 1641)
LANDRY, Pierre Ɪ (1630-1701)
LANGOT, François (1656-1684)
LANTE, Giuseppe (1737-1779)
LARMESSIN, Nicolas ꞮꞮꞮ de (also known as LARMESSIN, Nicolas ꞮV de) (1684-1755)
LASNE, Michel (before 1590-1667)
LAUWERS, Nicolaes (1600-1652)
LE BAS, Jacques Philippe (1707-1783)
LECLERC, Jean ¿V? (1587-1633)
LECLERC, Jean V (1555 - 1621/1622) [3]
LEFEVRE (or LEFEBURE), Claude (1632-1675)
LEIDENHOFFER, Philipp Jakob (active in 1712; d. 1714)
LEÓN, Juan de (active between 1545 and 1555)
LEONETTI, Gian Battista (active between 1801 and 1830)
LEPAUTRE, Jean (1618-1682)
LEPAUTRE, Pierre (1647-1721)
LÉPICIÉ, François Bernard (1698-1755)

LEU (or LEEUW), Thomas de (1571-1611/1612) [4]
LEYDEN, Lucas van (1494-1533)
LIGNON, Étienne Frédéric (1799-1830)
LIONDEDEI, Lorenzo de (active between 1512 and 1529)
LOEMANS, Arnout (1627-1661)
LOMMELIN, Adriaen (1637-1673)
LONDERESEEL, Jan van (1565-1630)
LÓPEZ ENGUÍDANOS, Tomás (1773-1814)
LÓPEZ SAAVEDRA, Nemesio (active between 1754 and 1780)
LOTTES, Christian Friedrich (1701-1740)
LOUVEMENT, François de (1648 – ca. 1690) 
LUCIEN, Jean-Baptiste (1743-1811) 
LUYKEN (or LUIKEN), Caspar (1672-1708)


MACHADO, Gaspar Fróis (or Fróes) (1754-1801)
MAEL VEUVE DE MONCORNET, Marguerite, van der (active between 1668 and 1691; d. 1691)
MALLERY, Karel van (1571-1635)
MAN, Jacobus de (1650-1719)
MANELFI, Manelfo (1587-1649)
MARATTI, Carlo (1625-1713)

MARIETTE, Jean (1660-1742)
MARIETTE, Pierre Ɪ (1596-1657)
MARIETTE, Pierre ꞮꞮ (1634-1716)
MARIOTTI, Vincenzo (1668-1738)
MARNE, Louis Antoine de (or DEMARNE, Louis Antoine) (1673-1755)
MARTÍN, José María (1789 -1853)
MARTINET, Marie Thérèse (1731-1765)
MARTÍNEZ, Antonio (active between 1477 and 1486)
MARTÍNEZ, Joseph (ca. 1640 – 1689) 
MASSARD, Jean Baptiste Raphaël (1775-1843)
MASSINI, Pietro (active in 1726)
MASTER IF (Jakob FARBER or Jacques LEFÈVRE) (active between 1516 and 1550)
MASTER OF THE DIE (1507-1538)
MATHAM, Jacob (1571-1631)
MATHONIÈRE, Denis  de (1555-1601)
MATHONIÈRE, Nicolas de (1573-1640)
MATTIOLI, Ludovico (1662-1747)
MAZZONI, Francesco (1733-1764)

MELAR, Adriaen (1633-1667)
MELLAN, Claude (1598-1688)
MERCATI, Giovanni Battista (1600 – after 1641)
MERIAN, Matthäeus Ɪ (1593-1650)
MERINO DE JESUCRISTO, Andrés (1730-1787)
MERLEN, Cornelis van (1649-1728)
MERLEN, Theodor van (active in the 17th century)
MESSAGER, Jean (1580-1649) 
M.G.F. MONOGRAMMIST (¿M.G. MONOGRAMMIST fecit?) (active in 1586)
MIGNON, Jean (1532-1557)
MILLOT, Jean (b. 1582; active in 1614)
MINGUET E YROL, Pablo (ca. 1700 – ca. 1766)
MIRANDA, Francisco Benito de (1721-1793)     
MONACO, Pietro (1707-1772)
MONCORNET, Jean (1642-1716)
MONETA, Nicola (1807-1884)
MONTES DE OCA, José (1668-1754)

MONTESDOCA, Martín de (active between 1553 and 1558)
MOSIN, Michel (active 1650-1700)
MOTZ, Johann Michael (1694-1758)
M.P. MONOGRAMMIST (active in the late 16th and early 17th century)
MUELA, Andrés de la (active between 1770 and 1778)

MULDER, Joseph (1659-1718)
MÜLLER, Gustav Adolph (1694-1767)
MULLER, Harman Jansz. (1535-1622)
MULLER, Jan Harmensz. (1571-1628)  
MUNTANER Y MONER, Francisco (1743-1805)


NAFM MONOGRAMMIST (active ca. 1606)
NÁJERA, Esteban de (active between 1550 and 1555)
NATALIS, Michael (1610-1688)

NAVA, José (1755-1807)
NAVARRO, Manuel (active between 1790 and after 1820)
NEEFFS, Jacques (1610-1660)
NEGGES, Johann Simon (active in the 18th centry)
NERI, Aloisio (active in 1630)
NERICI, Bartolomeo (active in the 18th century)
NICCOLÒ, Giovanni S.J. (1563-1626)
N. MONOGRAMMIST (active in 1593)
NOLASCO, Pedro (active in the second half of the 17th century)
NOORT, Juan de (or Jan van) (1587-1652)
NUYTS, Martin (or NUTIUS, Martinus) ꞮꞮꞮ  (1594-1638)


OBREGÓN, Diego de (1653-1704)
OGIER, Mathieu (active between 1675 and 1715)

ORIO, Ambrogio (1737-1825)
OROZCO, Marcos de (1654-1707) 
OVERADT, Peter (1595-1655)


PALOMINO, Juan Bernabé (1692-1777)
PALOMINO Y DE OROPESA, Juan Fernando (1728-1793)
PANDEREN, Egbert van (1576-1622)
PANNEELS, Herman (1633-1655)
PANNEELS, Willem (1595-1637)
PAPE, Josse de (1628-1651)
PASQUALINI, Giovanni Battista (1595-1631)
PASSE, Crispijn  de (1560-1642)
PASTOR LOZADA, Justo (1790-1885)
PATIÑO, José (1753-1781)
P.B. MONOGRAMMIST (active in 1695)
PEETERS, Jacob (1637-1695)
PEGNITZER, Johann (or PEÑICER, Juan) (active between 1490 and 1503)
PÉREZ, Juan (active in the 18th century)
PERRIER, François (1590-1650)

PETRAS, Ramón de (active between 1524 and 1527)
PFEFFEL, Johann Andreas (1674-1748)
PICART, Bernard (1673-1733)
PICART, Jacques (active between 1608 and 1645)
PICCINI, Isabella (1644-1734)
PIGOUCHET, Philippe (active between 1489 and 1512)
PINTZ, Johann Georg  (1697-1767)
PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista (1720-1778) 
PITAU, Nicolas  (1632-1671)
PITTERI, Marco Alvise (1702-1786)
PLANTIN, Christoph (1520-1589)
POILLY, François Ɪ de (1622-1693)
POILLY, François ꞮꞮ de (1671-1723)
POLONO, Estanislao (active between 1491 and 1514)

POMAREDE, Silvestre (or Silvio) (active between 1740 and 1760) 
PONTIUS, Paulus (1603-1658)

POZZI, Francesco (1750-1805)
POZZI, Rocco (active ca. 1750)
P.S. MONOGRAMMIST (active in 1672)
PUCHE (or PUICHE), Clemente (1699-1728)


QUEBORN, Crispyn van de (1604-1652)


RAGOT, François (1638-1670)
RAIMONDI, Marcantonio (1475-1539)
RAVANALS, Juan Bautista (1678  ca. 1746) 
RE, Sebastiano di (or Sebastianus a REGE) (1526-1575)
REGNARD, Valérien (or REGNARTIO, Valerianus) (1625-1655)
REGNAULT, François (active between 1512 and 1540/1541; d. 1540/1541)
REMBRANDT, van Rijn (1606-1669)
RENI, Guido (1575-1642)
RIBERA, Jusepe de (1585-1657)
RICARDO, Antonio (ca. 1540 – 1605/1606)
RIDINGER, Johann Elias (1698-1767)  
RODRÍGUEZ, Alonso (active between 1601 and 1605)
RODRÍGUEZ, Gregorio (active in 1652)
RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel Mariano (1729-1802)
RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR, Ioseph (active between 1670 and 1752)
ROSA, Juan Francisco (active between 1739 and 1746)
ROSSI, Andrea (active between 1727 and 1775)
ROSSI, Antonio de' (active in the 18th century)

ROSSI, Giovanni Battista de' (ca. 1601 – 1678) 
ROSSI, Giovanni Giacomo de' (or Giovanni Jacopo de RUBEIS) (active in the 17th century)  

ROSSI, Girolamo  de' (or Girolamo  de RUBEIS) (active between 1627 and 1669)
ROSSI, Giuseppe de' (or Joseph de RUBEIS) (1560-1639)
ROTA, Martino (1515-1588)
ROULLET, Jean Louis (1645-1699)
ROUSSELET, Gilles (1610-1686)
RUGENDAS, Christian (1708-1781)
RUGENDAS, Georg Philipp Ɪ (1666-1742)  
RUGENDAS, Georg Philipp ꞮꞮ (1701-1744)  
RUGENDAS, Johan Lorenz Ɪ (1730-1799)  
RUIZ LUENGO, Juan (1700-1758)  

RYCKMANS, Nicolaes (1611-1631)


SADELER, Aegidius ꞮꞮ (1570-1629)
SADELER, Johan Ɪ (1550-1600)
SADELER, Justus (1583 - 1620)
SADELER, Marco (1614-1650)
SADELER, Philipp (1595-1655)
SADELER, Raphael  (1560-1632)
SADELER, Raphael  (1584-1632)
SAENREDAM, Jan Pietersz. (1560-1612)
SALVADOR CARMONA, Juan Antonio (1740-1805)
SALVADOR CARMONA, Manuel (1734-1820) 
SANDE, Jan van den (active in the 17th century)
SANGIORGI, Nicola (active in the 19th century)
SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ, Fray José de (aka ÁGREDA Y RUIZ DE ALDA, José de) (1714-1794)
SAS, Christian (b. 1648; active in 1660)
SCHEFFLER, Thomas  (1699-1756)
SCHENK, Pieter  (1660-1713)
SCHIAMINOSSI, Raffaello (1572-1622)
SCHMITTNER (or SCHMITNER), Franz Leopold (1703-1761)
SCHOEN, Erhard (ca. 1491 – 1542)

SCHONGAUER, Martin (1425-1496)
SCHORQUENS, Juan (1595-1630)
SCULTORI (or MANTOVANA), Diana (1540-1595)
SEBENICO, Natale Bonifacio da (1537-1592)
SELMA, Fernando (1748-1810)
SERLIO BOLOGNESE, Sebastiano (after) (1475-1554)
SFORZA PERINI, Giuseppe (active in 1797)
SICHEM, Christoffel Ɪ van (1546-1624)

SICHEM, Christoffel  van (1618-1659)
SILVA, Joaquim Carneiro da (1727-1818)

SIMONNEAU, Charles Louis Ɪ (1645-1728)
SINTES, Giovanni Battista (1680-1760)
S MONOGRAMMIST (active between 1554 and 1585)
S.M.D. MONOGRAMMIST (active between 1534 and 1536)
SMITH, John  (active between 1647 and 1747)
SMITH, John Raphael (1751-1812)
SNYERS, Hendrik (1607-1647)
SOARES FLORIANO, Agostinho (active between 1619 and 1642)
SÖCKLER, Johann Michael (1744-1781)

SOLIS, Virgilius (1514-1562)
SONDERMAYR, Simon Thaddäeus (1720-1755)
SORELLÓ, Miquel (1695-1770)
SOTOMAYOR, Joaquín (active in 1736)
SPIERRE, François (1639-1681)
SPIRINX (or SPIERINCKX), Louis (1596-1669)
SPRINGINKLEE, Hans (ca. 1490 – ca. 1540)
STAPFF, Johann Ulrich (1642-1708)
STEEN, Frans van der (1620-1677)
STEIẞL. (active in the 18th century)

STELLA, Jacques (1596-1657)

STICH, G. C. (active in the 17th century)
STOCK, Andries Jacobsz. (1575-1653)
STRADA, Vespasiano (1582-1622)
SWANENBURGH, Willem Isaacsz. (1576-1617)
SYLVERIO DE SOTOMAYOR, Francisco (1699 – ca. 1763)


TEMPESTA, Antonio (1555-1630)
THER PORTTEN, Johan Daniel (active between 1659 and 1662)
THIBOUST, Benoît (b. 1619; active between 1660 and 1692) [5]
THOMAS, Johannes  (1617-1678)
THOMASSIN, Henry Simon (1687-1708)
THOMASSIN, Philippe (1562-1622)
THUMMER, Johann Jakob (1644-1726)
TIBALDI, Domenico (1541-1583) 
TINASSI, Niccolò Angelo (active between 1654 and 1696)
TORRE, Gregorio de la (active between 1550 and 1555)
TRONCOSO, Baltasar (active between 1743 and 1750)

TROYEN, Jan van (1605-1655)
TRUGILLO, Sebastián (active between 1540 and 1567)


UMBACH, Jonas (1619-1698)
UNGUT, Meinardo (active between 1491 and 1499; d. 1499)
UZSCHNEIDER, Simon (active between 1664 and 1698)


VACCARO, Andrea (1573-1627)
VALCK, Gerard (1651-1726) 
VALDÉS, Juan de (active in the 18th century)
VALLET, Guillaume (1633-1704)
VALLS, Ignacio (1726-1764)
VARELA DE SALAMANCA, Juan (active between 1509 and 1539)
VARESE, Lazzari (active between 1658 and 1684) 
VARGAS MACHUCA, Cayetano (1807-1870)
VÁZQUEZ, José (active between 1759 and 1794) 
VEEN, Gijsbert van (1557-1633)
VEEN, Otto van (or VAENIUS) (1556-1629)
VENEZIANO, Agostino (1490-1540)
VIENNOT, Nicolas (active between 1625 and 1635)
VILLAFRANCA Y MALAGÓN, Pedro de (1632-1678)
VILLAMENA, Francesco (1566-1624)
VILLAVICENCIO, Manuel de (active between 1753 and 1788)
VILLEGAS, Diego (active in the 18th century)
VINCENT, Hubert (1675-1735)  
VINGLES, Juan de (1498 – ca. 1552)

VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. (1586-1652)
VISSCHER, Nicolaes Ɪ (1618-1679)

VISSCHER, Nicolaes  (1649-1702)
VIVANT DENON, Baron Dominique (1747-1825)
VOET, Alexander Ɪ (1608-1695)
VOET, Alexander  (1630-1700)
VOGEL, Bernhard (1683-1737)
VORSTERMAN, Lucas Ɪ (1595-1675)
VREDEMAN DE VRIES, Hans (1527-1606)

VRINTS, Johannes Baptista  (1547-1616)


WAGNER, Josef (1706-1780)
WAUMANS, Coenrad (1619-1675)
WEERT, Jacob de (1569-1605)
WEIGEL, Johann Christoph (1661-1726)
WENNIG, Johan Balthasar (1672-1720)
WESTERHOUT, Arnold van (1651-1725)
WHITECHURCH, Edward (active between 1537 and 1552; d. 1561)
WIELANT, Arnold (or Arnoldus WIELANS) (1645-1704)

WIERIX, Anton ꞮꞮ (1555-1604)
WIERIX, Anton ꞮꞮꞮ (1596-1624)
WIERIX, Hieronymus (1548-1624)

WIERIX, Jan (1544-1625)
WIETOR, Hieronim (ca. 1480 – ca. 1546)
WIT, Frederick de (1626-1706)
WITDOECK, Jan (1610-1647)
WOLTER (GUALTERI), Bernhard (active between 1598 and 1635)
WYNOUTS FRISIUS, Simon (1575-1634)


ZAPATA, Gaspar (active in 1544)
ZENGER, August (active between 1760 and 1780)



[1] The Print Council of America gives an improbable lifespan of 99 years to one Cornelis Bloemaert (without further describing him as I or II).

[2] Here we follow the dates assigned by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France rather than those of the Print Council of America.

[3] Although The Print Council of America gives 1627 as the date of the demise of Jean Leclerc IV, Leclerc must have died in 1621 or 1622, as he published the third edition of his Theatre Geographique in 1621 and his widow, Frémine Richard, is mentioned as heiress in his succession in 1622.

[4] Although the Print Council of America gives 1619 as the date of de Leu's demise, de Leu must have died in 1611 or 1612, as he was active as a publisher and merchant in 1611, and Charlotte Bothereau is mentioned as his widow and heiress in a document disposing of de Leu's estate on March 6, 1612.

[5] The Print Council of America dates Thiboust's birth within the range of 1655-1665. But this range is improbable given the dates of his works. Equally improbable is the birth date commonly given in the literature for this engraver (1660, followed by a question mark). The more probable date of 1619, given by the Deutsche National Bibliothek, is the one we will adopt here.