De Amberes al Cusco: El Grabado Europeo Como Fuente del Arte Virreinal
Digital superposition of the images of PESSCA 39A/39B, one of the
correspondences displayed in the exhibit. Credit: Aldo Barbosa Stern.
De Amberes al Cusco: El Grabado Europeo como Fuente del Arte Virreinal was the title of an art exhibit issuing from the work of PESSCA. It was held in Lima (Peru) from July 7 to August 2, 2009 at the Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica, one of the leading galleries in the country. Displaying scores of Spanish Colonial paintings alongside the prints that inspired them, the show included illustrated books that presented engraved prototypes in their natural environment. The exhibit also provided a space for PESSCA to present a sample of its research. The paintings shown were produced in the original Viceroyalty of Peru, and are now part of the Barbosa-Stern Collection, which organized the show.
The exhibit, which drew approximately 2250 visitors, was curated by Cécile Michaud, who in addition co-edited, with José Torres Della Pina, a 96-page volume in conjunction with the show. Titled after the exhibit, this volume contains essays by Almerindo Ojeda, Luis Eduardo Wuffarden, Luisa Fiocco, Jaime Mariazza, Ricardo Estabridis, and Ramón Mujica--as well as a comprehensive bibliography on the topic. This volume may be obtained here.