Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ (1304)
- Life of Christ (1136)
- Life of Christ: General (51)
- Infancy of Christ (191)
- Census in Bethlehem (2)
- No Room at the Inn (3)
- Nativity (4)
- Annunciation to the Shepherds (1)
- Adoration of the Shepherds (41)
- Adoration of the Magi (66)
- Circumcision (18)
- Presentation in the Temple (16)
- Flight to Egypt (30)
- Massacre of the Innocents (8)
- Sojourn in Egypt (2)
- Childhood of Christ (161)
- Return from Egypt (59)
- The Holy Family at Work (31)
- The Holy Family at Leisure (30)
- The Holy Family at the Table (6)
- The Holy Family in Contemplation (4)
- The Holy Family Struggling with Evil (2)
- The Slumber of Jesus (13)
- Jesus among the Doctors (16)
- Public Life of Christ (205)
- Passion of Christ (474)
- The Passion of Christ: General (36)
- Taking leave of His mother (1)
- Entry into Jerusalem (5)
- Purifications of the Temple (8)
- Passover (2)
- Maundy (11)
- Supper (26)
- Denial (1)
- Agony (16)
- Capture (25)
- Process (Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate) (38)
- Flagellation (48)
- Crowning and Mocking (21)
- Ostension (Ecce Homo) (22)
- March (The Via Crucis) (74)
- Execution (The Calvary) (62)
- Burial (Deposition, Lamentation, Entombment) (73)
- Descent (5)
- Glorification of Christ (54)
- Images of Christ (168)
- Christ as an Infant (12)
- Christ as a Child (51)
- Corazón de Jesús Niño (7)
- Niño de la Premonición (28)
- Niño Divino Piloto (4)
- Niño Resucitado (5)
- Niño Salvator Mundi (3)
- Niño Dormido (4)
- Christ as a Youth (5)
- Christ as a Man (100)
- Buen Pastor (6)
- Cristo Cautivo (2)
- Cristo de Gracia en la Villa de las Navas (1)
- Cristo de Ixmiquilpan (2)
- Cristo de la Encina (3)
- Cristo del Perdón (7)
- Cristo Resucitado (4)
- Cristo Rey (3)
- Cristo Sanador (1)
- Cristo Triunfante (1)
- Ecce Homo (12)
- Fons Vitae (6)
- Mystic Winepress (Lagar Místico) (10)
- Sagrado Corazón (10)
- Salvator Mundi (6)
- Santo Rostro (Verónica) (1)
- Señor de la Caña (5)
- Señor de la Paciencia (9)
- Señor de los Dolores (4)
- Vera Effigies (7)